Fuck you too!

Apr 10, 2003 01:02

I just went downstairs an hour ago to leave for work when I found a nice bright green sticker on my window advertising to me that my car would be towed in the morning. It looks very official, what with the hook in the upper right hand corner, towing the word "towing" off the page just above the copyright 1995 BFT, Inc. lettering. I can't list the whole thing here because the sticker's such shit quality that it tore in many places which I then had to scrape off for 20 minutes, but basically read "WARNING You are illegally parked here for one or more of the following reasons and are subject to being towed at your expense"

__ Parked in a handicapped space
__ No valid parking permit
__ Parked in a NO PARKING zone
__ Parked in a fire lane
__ Blocking entrance to building or driveway
__ Unauthorized parking in a reserved parking area
__ Improperly parked
_X Vehicle not in drivable condition: "Expired inspection + flat tire"

This vehicle will be towed on Day: _Thurs_. Date: _10th_. Time: _10:00am_
followed by the make, model and licence number of my car and one more important field...

I searched for something that would make this look almost official and the only thing on there is the "Officer's Signature" field which was left blank.

The tire is not flat, it just leaks a little air. I fill it up once a week as I have been doing for a year now instead of getting a new tire. The inspection sticker, that I'll give them, but guess what? That's a moving violation. You can't be towed for it (*edit*: actually, precise law states you can be ticketed for it but not towed so it's been ruled it's not a moving violation). I've had nothing but expired inspection stickers since 1998 and nobody's ever complained before. The car is parked perfectly in its spot, as it is every single day after I finish *driving* it. Wait, but I thought it was in an undrivable condition and that's the only reason it was being towed.

I'm not really believing this because there's no way this is legit. It's more likely to be my parents bitching about me not fixing those problems and trying to force me into getting them fixed. Oh and wake up early too. But even not being legit, it's possible it's some souless towing company that rips people off for no reason and gets away with it unless you sue them. Of course, there's no contact information on there whatsoever. What do they want? Me to fix my tire so it doesn't leak a little air anymore? I don't think so. Then it's also possibly one of the little rats around the complex that just wants my car and since they fucked up stealing it last time and tripped the horn, they figured they'd try a different approach this time. Who knows. Either way, I'm leaving here at about 7:00am to go into work and not coming back until late. Guess I'll go blow $100 on a new tire to give any jackass less of an excuse, but fuck the inspection sticker because I'm not spending 20 hours fixing random crap on my car and it can't be towed for that anyway. I'm getting a new one soon enough now that my savings is rapidly increasing and I'm not blowing any more money on this piece of shit than I have to. Of course I wanna be the stubborn guy that waits out there until 10:00am and tells them to go fuck themselves if they come, but considering the possibility of having to spend $300 extra on this car, I'd rather not be the stubborn and stupid one. Fuck probability.

Funny how this world works. I could slash your tire, call the a towing company and make you spend $300 to get it back all because I decided I wanted to piss you off.

*edit*: Managed to get in touch with the office of the apartments here a mere half hour before they were supposed to tow it. I was prepared to give them hell, but started off nicely, and the lady was very nice and just said to try to keep more air in the tire so it doesn't look abandoned and told the people doing the rounds it wasn't, so I didn't explode on her.
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