Changed my layout alittle, it was all boring and blah before. Went out today with the sexy Alyssa. ALYSSA WHHHYY!!! lol, i heart you. School still blows. Last night Zackery didn't call me so that made me sad. damn my boifrrend (yes i spelt it wrong on purpose). Hanging out with Eric during luch is cool, i'm not sure when he is leaving but i'm going to miss him. Who else is going to have me peirce them for fun? :-(
Been thinking a lot latly. Been thinking about everything.The way it is and how it works. The way things turn out the way they do and nothing more... Reality and fantasy split with the fine line of lies and hope. The serenity of truth ringing loud and ugly into the decieving ears of the motionless stone gods. The love once known to all my soul quickly dimishing into questions and nothing but a requiem of yesturday left behind. That saturated lust, the unatainable wordless desperation, fading. All i can hope is i'm turning the right way, hands out blindfolded into the world of consiquences. am i really ready?