They were Protesting Against Windows at School This Morning!

Jan 26, 2006 16:05

Get to school today and I notice the pathway to the Commons is all blocked off on the left side so traffic was heavy inside the school... damn I just want to walk on top of the little preps so the world will be a better place and we could all get around the school faster then too... lol Anyway it was blocked off because 5 windows up near the ceiling had been knocked out with something and there were some windows out in the media center also as well as the new band room in the new building I heard! They came and had people fixing them right away... I kind of wish they hadn't though because it looked cool and it wasn't hot like it normally is in the halls... it was nice and breezy... I've heard several rumors about why it was done and who did it but they all make no sense to me... I think I like Ben's explanation about why it was done the best so far... lol He says, "Maybe they were protesting against windows..." I like his explanation the best! lol He is wise beyond his years...

So today we all installed Halo on the people who didn't have it yets computer in Advanced Multimedia... we're all going to get Saturday school if we get caught! lol And with all those scanning things they got in Officer Harroldson (sp) office I'm shocked they haven't noticed yet... perhaps he is trying to be cool and not tell anyone we're playing Halo in there... that would be nice... but I think he is just lazy because his 42+ surveilance cameras around the school not must not have of gotten the people that broke the windows either... Makes me wonder if they even work at all because I used to spar with people outside right in front of his camera too... and I never got in any trouble for it...

Anyway... I'm so screwed in my Advanced Algebra and Trig. Class... T_T However, I am PWNING my Business Management Class! ^_^ I had a 99.17 in there the other day and I got a 105 on the part of the project we turned in that day so my grade is so freaking close to a 100 in there that I'm just so excited about it! lol

Lots of people weren't at school today... I wonder where they are? I know they're not all sick... lol Samir is probably skipping again... Brandon says he is going to skip tomorrow during the Pep Rally which is going to suck because of the way they're doing it now... but I'm going anyway... all of you who are going to the first Pep Rally sit on the Senior Side on the end of the bleachers closest to the lobby and parking lot... Thats where I'll be...

Oh yes... Happy Birthday Katie!!! ^_^ w00t! You're 16 now! lol
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