godamn this chick is hot not much is going on right now. i called out of work today. i just didn't feel like going in and i havent called in for over a year so i figured i'd treat myself today. i woke up by smoking some weed and watched some spoungebob. it was fucking crazy. i then watched matrix revolutions. i dont care what anyone says about that movie, matrix revolutions kicked ass as well as reloaded. i wouldn't go as far as saying the matrix trilogy is the best trilogy ever (that would have to go to the lord of the rings trilogy) but the matrix movies (as well as the animatrix and the comics) are some of the most creative shit to come out in a long while. all hail the wachowski brothers.
while i can't get into too much detail right about now i'm making some huge ass plans. while you probally wont understand it right now, all i gotta say is that i'm gona be going places in the universe. i have freed my mind from the "matrix" and the sky's the limit now. some day i will show you all how to free yourselves.
all the things she said all the things she said running through my head, running through my head..