Oct 27, 2003 00:45
Well for like the longest time ever, for as long as I can remember I have felt down and alone. And I was dealing with it. I didn't tell many people, only a few friends knew. But for a while now, I was starting to get sick of dealing with it and started taking steps in my own direction. Doing shit that people might call crazy and doing shit that my friends would not approve of. But for me, it was the only option left. But then one of my friends parents found out and set me down and talked to me. They convinced, threatend, me into going to talk to a doctor. So I did. I told them what I thought was wrong and they asked me some questions. They came to the same conclusion as I had, and diagnosed me with depression. They gave me some pills and told me to take one a day. The doctor also threw in the fact that it didn't matter how many I took, that no matter what, the worst that these pills would do is give me a stomach ache. He told me this because I told him that about 3 months ago I took 20 tylenol. And b/c of this he also did a blood test on me to see it my liver was okay. But the doctor not only gave me pills, but he also is making me go and talk to a fucking psychologist. It fucking sucks... but whatever I guess. They keep telling me that I am not crazy, but who goes to talk to psychologist... crazy people. Am I right? I don't know. Anyways... I just wanted to catch you all up on whats going on in my life. So... bye.