[Jael is wandering the ship and thus doesn't notice when her shadow begins to move of its own volition.
And she probably wouldn't have noticed at all. Until it begins to speak.]
Hun, I think you need to get wasted.
[Jael jumps practically a foot in the air, whirling around to look at whoever just spoke. Seeing no one there, Jael frowns in
Read more... )
Oi Jimmy, check that one out. She's a babe ain't she?
[The shadow sounds pretty happy to be teasing the poor guy. Spying Jael, Joe turns on his foot and goes the walk away. The last think they need right now is his perverted shadow spilling all his usually quiet thoughts.]
Where you going, Jimmy? She's over there! Over there lad!
Shit, fuck. Shut up! I don't care!
[And then Joe notices that Jael's shadow is talking too. He pauses at the voice and looks back at her.]
Hey! It's that hunk with the sexy accent! Come here!
You too, huh?
She's talking about me you know. I'm the hunk. Not you. Not you!
Girls, you're both pretty. Now take my girl and go get her drunk! Or laid! Or both!
[Seriously, can her face get any redder?]
[Hands in his pockets, Joe walks over to talk to her. Besides, Jael's cute when she blushes.]
So, Shadow lass. How about you an' I ditch these body things and go find some shade?
Oi! [Joe swipes a hand to backhand his shadow. If only that were possible.]
If yer gonna be here, you be fockin' polite, got it?
[Jael sighs and just ignores their shadows.]
So how have you been, Joe?
[Joe is trying very hard not to laugh.]
I got sick for a bit. Was unconscious for a bit or somethin'. I dunno. Don't really remember too much of it. How're you holding up?
[The last he saw her, she was dying in his arms.]
The hottie from the restaurant was playing nurse. Lucky bastard.
[Jael just rolls her eyes, though she does look amused.]
Oh, that's terrible. I'm glad you're feeling better.
[She pauses for a split second before she lifts one shoulder in a shrug.]
I'm fine.
[However brief, Joe does catch that little pause and shrug. He slinks and around around her shoulders, entirely innocent. Really.]
You can come to me if you need anythin' right?
[Jael ignores her shadow and wraps her arm around Joe's waist. She nods, looking up at him with a curious look.]
[Have one shadow sweeping the other into his arms, assuming that's even possible. Joe shakes his head and fights back a laugh.]
They're a cheeky bunch aren't they.
He likes your butt, Jael!
And Jael loves your gorgeous eyes and sexy accent!
[Jael slowly begins turning red again.]
Hey, calm down! I'm afraid you'll pass out if anymore blood rushes to your head!
Aye? Well shit lass.
The reason why Joe hates Jinx so much is because he doesn't think the Pixie deserves you! You're too pretty pretty pretty and your ears are cute!
Jael thinks Joe is the best person on the entire boat and wishes there were more people like him in her world~.
[Jael aims a lazy kick at the shadows.]
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