devildoll kindly scanned
Wraithfall, so I downloaded it out of curiosity and uh. SGA tie-in comic, how is it that you trace so obviously and yet Teyla looks like a Korean girl with her hair bleached to a brassy red in that
second panel of the first page, and Rodney looks freaky and utterly unlike himself?
cut for possibly inducing epilepsy )
You know what totally baffles me? How in the wraparound, JOHN'S TAC VEST POCKETS ARE STILL AROUND HIS WAIST, EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO TAC VEST ANYMORE. I wish someone would explain this. Do the pockets come off? Why is it still around his waist? Or is it just bizarre?
But, yeah, I think the photos are probably just inserts? So, don't worry too much. I hope they used that Ryan Drake cover for the final edit, even though it's purple and orange, because it looks way better than the one done by the artist of the stuff inside--seriously, ouch, Elizabeth, your head was not meant to turn that way.
I agree that comics are pretty bad for live-action tie-ins but mostly because sequential art has a whole different set of strengths, and telling the exact same kind of story they'd tell on TV wouldn't play to those strengths. The storytelling style is different precisely because, as you said, one is moving and the other isn't. (I think the best storytelling I've ever seen in comics is Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth, because he really knows how to time panels and how to stretch out silences and convey motion, but he's definitely working to the strengths of the medium there.)
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