Jul 02, 2008 14:42

1. Make a graphic with your Top 10 Asian guys.
2. In the graphic have to be a pic of the guy and an explanation why you like him, or why he is on that place in the ranking.
3. Post it on your LJ and tag 5 people to do it, too.

Do it if you want. ♥
Do I need to explain how much fangirling this post contains? Didn't think so. XD
Cut contents are not capitalized. Sorry. :(

honorable mentions

*hyde (l'arc~en~ciel): my whole obsession was all skycolor's fault way back in eighth grade in what, 2004? amazingly. i think most l'arc fans turn into hyde fans because he is just mind-boggling; he doesn't look his age for sure (and he's one of those many omgsoprettyjapanesemen, rofl), and he has this husky voice that isn't quite unique, but still makes fangirls go "KYAAA" nonetheless. but l'arc in all their awesomeness fueled my j-rock/visual kei obsession, which brings me to...

*jun (ex-pierrot, now alvino): i loved pierrot so much. so much. i bought all their albums, a couple DVDs and VHSes, several posters, several magazines, and i was so close to joining their fanclub. and then for some reason i started hating them! so i learned a big lesson there. but jun was the one who i thought was really cute and who i tended to fangirl over the most (plus kirito), but fact is, compared to other visual kei bands, they weren't exactly lookers. rofl.

*cho kyuhyun (super junior): i love his voice and i think he's the best singer in super junior. he just doesn't mess up live, ever. besides his voice he's...basically a snarky fanboy/gamer, which is cool. he's super sarcastic too. oh, and his face is also very important. lmao. before he joined SM he was really plain-looking, but when he joined SM he got hot. that tends to happen often???

*kim jonghyun (shinee): he fell a little bit. yeah. don't get me wrong, i am still in love with his beautiful, unique voice (one of the most unique in k-pop!!!). but boy, is he cocky! XD i have no idea how i failed to notice before. i was obviously blinded by his utter hotness, which he is all-too-aware of. why did he fall? well...he's not nearly as endearing as someone else... ;)

*jj lin: so really i just like his singing voice...yeah. i first saw him in the taiwanese hana kimi where he made absolutely no impression on me...but i still sort of squeed over him nonetheless. whatever, right? i decided to check his music out because of chamba_calib, and that's why he's up here :D talented guys are awesome. and he speaks english. english-speaking asians = DEAD NADDIE.

top ten

10. miura haruma → japanese actor;
famous role(s): hiro (koizora movie), kazama ren (gokusen 3)
when i first saw him in commercials advertising koizora i thought he was cute, but that's about it. it took me a long time to actually watch said movie, maybe about a year later, and after that i became a fan of his. he has really long eyelashes and he can really pass as a girl sometimes, i admit, but he is très pretty boy and cute and whatever. yeah. he is here as eyecandy, because he needs to improve his acting a wee bit. heh. AND I FRIGGIN' LOVE BLOODY MONDAY.

09. lee jinki (onew) → korean idol; shinee → leader
onew is not sexy and he can never really be sexy. his cuteness almost outshines that of taemin sometimes, which is so wrong. when onew sings, he can be easily outshone by jonghyun, but he can still hold his own against other singers in the business. but onew is made of fail and awkwardness, and a lot more modest and not arrogant like jonghyun, and so he is much more endearing. considering who my #1 is on this list, it's not a surprise that onew is on here as well, because he fails just as hard. i love it when idols are outright dorks. regardless of that he deserves respect, being the hardworking leader ♥

also, i love onew sangtae, lol.

08. ikuta toma → japanese idol and actor; johnny's jr
famous role(s): nakatsu shuichi (hana kimi), serizawa naoto (maou)
his place is on television, or in movies, or on a broadway show. not singing and dancing like a silly johnny's junior. and he doesn't do that anymore, sure, but it's a little sad because acting is his forte and i'm sad that he's stuck in johnny's where that limits his options. he's toned down his slight overacting now, but he still has the ability to win over people even if his roles piss you off. akihabara@deep made me love him, the japanese hana kimi made me love him more, and from what i saw in maou, he rocked. plus? he's hot, hotter than most anyone else in johnny's junior. there, i said it.

07. ueda tatsuya → japanese idol; kat-tun
funny thing is, i used to hate this guy. i took one look at him, doing that stupid pout with his arms crossed, and deemed him a bitch. i used to like koki more...and then one day, i magically blossomed into oodles and oodles of sugary love for this girly-looking boxer who really can't sing or dance. ♥ ahh, that's all true, and it might not make me seem like a fan of his, but if you embrace their faults it really means that you DO like them a lot. he's definitely a pretty boy bordering on...being a woman, but he does have the most sane fangirls in kat-tun, and i am still fond of him despite being well out of the johnny's fandom for over a year now. ♥

06. henry lau → chinese-canadian idol; super junior m → violinist, lead dancer
henry was actually born and raised in canada and i guess i could've put him under my "western" list officially, but whatever. he dances while playing the violin, which sometimes looks silly, but for him that's when the charisma oozes out. when he's not dancing, he seems like a cutesy asian boy just because of his chubby cheeks (which are so frigging adorable, ugh). you wouldn't think he had it in him, but ohhh, he does. he went through a lot of shit when sm entertainment first revealed him, but now he has a lot of adoring fans, which is great. i have a lot of respect for him for being able to handle all that crap, because really, it was horrible. but now that's over with (hopefully).

05. leeteuk (park jungsoo) → korean idol; super junior leader
teuk is here for shallow purposes. he is ridiculously, effortlessly photogenic and all around pretty boy. he's not the best at anything in super junior except for maybe...talking, yes, oh and being emo! and crying a lot!!! but the latter two don't count. he is so friggin' eloquent it's amazing. i wish i could pull words out of my ass like that. anyway. i have such a major bias for his face out of the thirteen guys in super junior, which is funny considering that he's had a) a nose job and b) double eyelid surgery. but hey, it made him hotter, so i can't really complain huh. OH AND, FUUUUCK, i love his speaking voice. love. it sounds soooo comforting. that's really why i love listening to kiss the radio.

04. tablo (daniel armand lee) → korean musician;
epik high → rapper, songwriter, lyricist.
so yeah, i guess i have a voice fetish too. tablo. is. an. awesome. rapper. don't even try to argue with me. he is so talented. his lyrics and compositions and everything are great, AND...HE SPEAKS ENGLISH! and he's a genius (graduated from stanford). he has exactly the kind of qualities i would look for in a husband, rofl. even his dorkiness (especially his dorkiness). although...he can be terribly emo, which is not as great. whatever. he went through a lot of struggles to get to where he is now, and i'm glad he suceeded because he really deserves it. the only thing he isn't is like, sexy, but at least he's cute, and actually really funny to boot.

03. mizushima hiro → japanese actor;
famous role(s): namba minami (hana kimi), asamoto soshi (zettai kareshi)
at number three another english-speaker with a sexy-sounding speaking voice. i love his face too, let's just be blunt and out in the open with that! :) at first i didn't like him in the japanese hana kimi...but eventually i started swooning. i don't understand myself sometimes. my fangirliness came back full force after being dormant when zettai kareshi came out...not the best drama in the world, but AHH he and aibu saki were so cute together. he makes a good model too; skinny (maybe too skinny), and he knows how to pose...but that's from years of experience i think. i like iconing him. they almost always turn out good. haha.

02. totsuka shota → japanese idol; johnny's jr/a.b.c.
what made me like tottsu was his incredible ability of not seeming like an idol at all. i know that sounds kind of bad, but in comparison to other johnny's idols, he actually seems like a human being and less like an untouchable god. like, you'd take him home to meet the parents, and they wouldn't flip out. he looks very ordinary, and he isn't the best dancer or acrobat in his group, but he does have the best singing voice, and that makes it easy for me to love anyone. tottsu does the kind of things that makes you laugh at him more than with him, which is incredibly endearing. i am so fond of him that the very laptop i am typing on is named after him: totti. :)

01. eunhyuk (lee hyukjae) → korean idol; super junior → lead rapper, lead dancer wonderful. he has body odor, watches porn, is gullible, and fails at plenty things. that said...he also happens to be one of the most talented guys in super junior. he's an amazing dancer and rapper, especially for being in a boyband, so in a crowd of thirteen he's got the spotlight often. but unfortunately he's not the best-looking in the group at all. even if he can be conceited (who isn't in his position?) he seems to genuinely care about the bond between super junior members, causing him to be a bit of a crybaby, but hey, that's not a bad thing. it's a good sign in this industry to actually have feelings that aren't superficial. did i mention i swoon when he raps? and when he laughs i also swoon. bah, i'm such a hyuk fangirl. *throws around fondness everywhere* and yes, my ipod (nyuktronic) is named after him.

Last Updated: December 8, 2008.

meme: everyone else did it, i love making lists wtf, always open, fangirling is fun

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