All I think of is you, and all of the things we had

Feb 15, 2011 18:41

[Silence hadn't really been expecting a package, though what he's gathered from Lucas makes him quite intrigued to have received one. Yes, it had been implied that regains were earned through enduring various trials put in place by the town, and Silence hadn't experienced anything beyond the pale - or, at least, anything beyond what seemed regular routine in Mayfield so far - but he certainly saw no harm in hoping. Perhaps it was his wings, or his being a mystic...

Instead, when he opens the package...he receives what feels like ice water pouring into his head. A sudden flood of memories restored that he had no idea were ever ripped away from him in the first place.

Of course, he'd been friends with Nusakan, and he'd remembered that much...but not how it had progressed from there. How Nusakan had become increasingly protective (although they were mystics, really, the proper word would always be possessive) of him, how he'd begun spending more and more time at the clinic, the way they'd naturally begun to slip into the roles of elder mystic and younger consort until the eventual culmination where Nusakan had requested they make it official. IRPO had been less than pleased, but the fact that Silence worked for them didn't change the fact that he had the money and status of centuries behind him...and he was the younger mystic. Nusakan was even higher, older nobility than he was. IRPO had expressed its disapproval in the sternest terms, but it could make no move to enforce it.

There was no way he could simply have forgotten that. He had a memory that spanned centuries, and these memories were current events, to say nothing of being vivid ones. But why would the town take them - or return them, unprompted? It was beyond inexplicable.

But he had better things to do than try to puzzle it out, really. Nusakan had never mentioned anything about this when they'd spoken, never so much as hinted at it, which meant he'd likely 'forgotten' as well. He needed to...well, what did he need to do? Would there be any point in informing the man if he didn't remember...? No, he could at least tell him that his memories likely weren't intact, at the very least. And - well, perhaps Nusakan had received a package of his own.]

[A very pensive Silence makes his way to Nusakan's house at 1128 Taylor Road; obviously, using the phones is impossible for him, so only a face-to-face visit will do. He knocks lightly on the door.

Sometimes, there are benefits to being mute...he doesn't really need to think of what, if anything, he wants to say. Of course, he's not sure what to express by any means open to him.]
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