GG Fanfic

Apr 10, 2012 23:46

Title: This is not meant to be something more
Characters: Dan, Blair, Dan/Blair, slight Chuck near the end
Spoilers: None really if you're a Dair fan which...why would you not be and be reading this? Also, not a happy ending so if you don't want to read, I completely understand.
A/N: Is it just me or is LJ dying?

This is not meant to be something more.

Dan and Blair. Two separate entities separated by something more permanent than a conjunction - life. They start out with serendipity in their skies like most star crossed lovers do. It’s got to do with a moment here and a moment there that defines how his hand rests upon her waist and she actually kisses him back.

They end up wanting more. They end up getting less, but that’s for later. Right now, they linger in that stage of unfulfilled fantasy and rampant denial. He speaks into her neck about possibilities, but she refuses to follow him. She whispers her apologies and all she can think is Serena, Serena.

Dan tells Serena, We have a real connection. He has neither the patience nor the will to spare her feelings, and in their brief meeting he also says things he should probably regret. This is the end of Lonely Boy and It Girl, among other things.

She comes over in the middle of the night and in her silence he fills it up with his declarations and feelings. She covers his mouth with her hand and he wonders if she knows that she makes him ramble. She makes him nervous. This is not something that will ever go away.

Being together hurts more than it should. Serena can barely look at them. Chuck can’t stop talking about them. Nate keeps himself out of it, tries to at least. Half of the Upper East Side laughs at her in secret but she doesn’t care, because when he says You’ll have me, she believes it. She shouldn’t.

He is his charming, wonderful self, and she remains intuitive and still weeps at Nights of Cabira. This is the best of times. He takes her to the park and she gets a pie to the face. For a little while, before they become other people, forever seems possible.

The work sends him to LA. Blair doesn’t go because her life is in New York and LA’s just temporary. They stay up the whole night before he leaves because sleeping is for the weak.

He doesn’t mean to change. She doesn’t mean to resent it. Blair walks around the city with one all-consuming paralyzing thought. After the fourth time she gets his voicemail she winds up at the Empire. It doesn’t go too far, but it’s far enough for her to tell God, don’t blame me for this.

Blair loses everything. Her reputation, her job, Dan. They yell, she throws things, he blames her. But she isn’t sorry, not after the forgotten dates and the forced platitudes on holidays. She asks him to stay, nearly begs, for him to leave LA and move back home.

She used to be happy. He did too. This was before three words and eight letters were spoken, and even a little after. What happens isn’t some diabolical scheme or life changing event. It’s time. It’s loneliness. It’s how he stops asking her what she really wants, and how she stops knowing.

Love doesn’t keep them together. He thinks he may cry after she leaves, but her tears start his own. He holds her a very long time, her whispered apologies making his throat burn. She pulls away and all he can think is he never expected to be her hero, but he didn’t think he’d end up the fool.

When someone else walks away with the person he wants, he doesn’t know what to do but lose himself in a drunken stupor and his words. He has no one to blame but himself but he blames everyone else anyways, and when he’s done, he truly is on the outside of his life, alone.

This is their disaster. Their ending. It was never going to be anything else, and what will haunt him for the rest of his life is not that she’s with Chuck, but that somewhere inside that Dan-scarred skin is the girl of his dreams. And she hates him.

blair waldorf, fanfic, gossip girl, dan humphrey

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