Title: Into the Woods
Author: mute90
hunters_retreat Fandom or Original: Stargate SG1/Supernatural
Type: het, crossover
Word Count: 1037
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Jack O'Neill/Mary Winchester
Warnings sexual context, violence, strong language
Summary: After his son died, after his wife left him, and after he visited his first alien planet and lived to tell the tale, a retired Jack O'Neill just wants to fish and drink beer. Unfortunately for him, he;s stuck in a vanishing forest with mythical creatures and the not-so-cute-and-fluffy Mary Winchester. She wants to get home to her sons. He just wants to get back to his retirement. To do that, the colonel and the hunter have to work together and get the hell out.
A/N: This was done for
fantasybigbang. Be sure to check out the artwork made by the talented
hunters_retreat, who was just awesome making these. Click. Click. Click. Also, much thanks to all the cheerleaders at
ficfinishing !
Link to art master post:
hunters-retreat.livejournal.com/310121.html#cutid1Story Links:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4