Title: And Blood Screams
iria4285 Mixer:
glasslogic Fandom: Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Type: het, slash, fusion, threesome
Word Count: 11839
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Spike/Sam/Faith, implied Spike/Sam/Dean/Faith, appearances by SPN hunters
Warnings: Sexual content, strong language, death, torture
Summary: Vampire!AU: Years ago, Sam Winchester lost his brother. Dean left him, left them all because he got back his bothersome soul. He joined up with hunters to fight evil and atone for his sins. However, Sam didn't let go that easily and Spike and Faith are pretty used to giving him what he wants. What he wants is to play a dangerous game with Dean's new friends: kill them off one by one until Dean only has only one thing left.
Notes: This was done for
vampirebigbang. So much thanks to
rivestra for being a first reader and trying to get me to not freak out and dump it at the first chapter.
iria4285 made the all the pretties. Art. Don't forget to check it out.
glasslogic has also made an awesome mix. Again, go. Check it out.
Link to art master post:
http://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-23255/irialonso+And+Blood+Screams-+Fan+Art.htmLink to mix post:
http://glasslogic.livejournal.com/13921.html Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Epilogue