When It's Over - OneShot

May 07, 2010 14:06

Title: When It's Over
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Sam/Castiel
Disclaimer: Supernatural and everything connected are not mine.
Summary: He builds a memory for when a memory is all he has left.
A/N: Done for a prompt at comment_fic : Supernatural, any slash pairing, When the madness stops you will be alone.

Sam knows its coming. He can see it in their faces.

Bobby is so tired and he can’t deal with their crap forever. Dean is eyeing Lisa’s number on his phone at least three times a day. Castiel… Well, Cas spends most of the night on the porch. He stares up at the sky with a faraway look, like maybe he can see heaven from there.

Sam watches them.

Bobby wants peace. Dean wants a family. Cas wants to go home. All of them are ready to move forward and move on and Sam’s standing still.

And one night on the porch, Cas looks at him. “It’ll be over soon.”

Sam nods. “Yeah, soon.” Soon they’ll be on the other side of the apocalypse, the madness will stop, and there will be no more Team Free Will. Three of them will scatter in their different directions while Sam gets left behind; there’s nowhere else for him to go.

Cas notices his tone. “This is good,” he says, like he’s not quite certain, like maybe humans don’t think stopping the apocalypse is so good.

“Of course it’s good,” Sam says and then leans forward to lightly press his lips to Castiel's own. There’s a moment of surprise before Cas moves, slowly and carefully taking a step closer and deepening the kiss. He’s so clumsy and curious with his lips and his hands and his tongue but Sam memorizes all of it. He carves it into his soul.

He builds a memory for when a memory is all he has left.

supernatural, sam, castiel

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