Application for Planeocracy

Jan 16, 2011 16:03

Player Name: Kaja
Character Name: Melia Zephyr
Canon: Original canon (Legends of Shell)

Touched by Chaos from her very birth, Melia showed the signs at an early age. Her god-fearing family cast her out (a merciful treatment for one once of their own blood) for the peculiar growth of leaves upon her head and threatened her with violence should she return. Afraid, she wandered into the wilderness.

Only the voice that came to her allowed her to survive. It told her to walk until she reached the ocean, where she would find a land to welcome her. So she continued on, through forest and jungle, over hills and between mountains, and across a deadly desert.

When she despaired for her hunger, the voice told her that she would be blessed with a skin like that of plants so she could take in the sunshine and sink her toes into the ground. It told her that she would be blessed so that the plants around her would yield nourishment to her. When she despaired for her thirst, the voice taught her to speak to even the most reclusive water spirits of the desert, so that she might find water. When she despaired because of the weather upon her, the voice taught her to become able to endure that weather. When she feared the predators prowling around her, the voice taught her the forming of thorns and noxious scents and mild toxins to ward them off.

And so she walked across a continent from end to end, and found the land named Haven. And there, within Newport by the sea, she found a temple to the very voice that had led her. And she entered the service of Zephyr to thank her.

She learned many lessons, such as things a speaker to spirits and gods must know, how to host parties, the mixing of herbs for assorted results, and more, before she was ready to take her place as a proper priestess. And she, as many others in an often besieged land did, joined the militia to defend Haven. But she found herself more at ease administering herbal remedies than on the battleground.

And so she rose to great importance within her temple, and one day she found herself unexpectedly passing through the ceremonial supply storeroom's door into a place strange to her.

Setting Information:

Original canon (Legends of Shell)

Ability Changes: Extraordinary abilities will take on a magical form.
Ability Limitations: Moderate. A number of magical beings and highly trained people have fairly potent magical abilities, but extreme power belongs to the gods alone.
Form Restrictions: There are specific kinds of intelligent peoples and magical beings. Examples of nonhumans local to Haven include beast people, winged people, and 'tailed people' (basically nagas and mermaids). Anything that doesn't fit into existing categories will appear as Chaos mutations.
Social Restrictions: Those touched by Chaos are stigmatized in many parts of the world, though Haven is a refuge for such people. Also, religion and customs play a very important part in people's lives.
Notes: Warning: Gods are busybodies. Warning: Freaks are cool. Warning: Superstitions are true. Warning: You might grow a cool new body part. Warning: You might get purged or cast out for your cool new body part.
Additional Information:
This world is ruled by gods and magic, by myths and legends. Born from Chaos, and covered in a shell to shield it from the very Chaos that gave it form. But a crack in that shell allowed Chaos to enter the world, causing many disasters but also unpredictable potential. Many things in the world wouldn't exist without that leak of Chaos.

For the people, obeying the wills of their gods is an important part of life, as it brings them blessings to ease their lives and protection against Chaos. Living improperly leads to misfortune and the influence of Chaos. Those altered by Chaos are rejected, to wander as outcasts until they die or find refuge in Haven, a nation of misfits.

Haven lies at the outermost frontiers of civilization, along an ocean coast close to a great desert. The only laws are imposed by the god Justice, and the only laws it cares about are to not harm or deceive those that follow its laws. Outside those universal laws enforced by Justice's Judicators, there are only binding agreements and legal arbitration to preserve order.

Tensions between the many assorted groups with different customs and religions are not uncommon, but everyone respects the impartiality of Justice and the courts it runs. Groups have been forced out, sometimes violently, for not respecting those courts' rulings.

Towns in Haven are completely unplanned, leading to seemingly random mazes of streets in which peddlers, entertainers, charity fundraisers, and beggars will accost you seeking your money.

The primary military in Haven are militant religious orders. Cannons and gunpowder are just beginning to come into use, and pikes still heavily dominate warfare but not for much longer. Magic has a heavy impact on battles.

Magic itself tends to follow a fantastical and symbolic rather than scientific basis, such as catching wind in nets and piping up a storm. Only those with magical nature, heavy training, or the direct blessings of the gods can use more than the simple everyday rituals.

Portal Location: LoS-1: Back room of the main Temple of Zephyr, in Newport, the largest port city in Haven.

The first thing most will notice is her fun-loving tendencies. She's likely to drag whoever's on hand into some party or other entertaining activity, and is flirty as well as making use of light recreational substances (including but not limited to alcohol). She is likely to be a headache for any roommate ill-equipped to handle a party girl.

But when it comes time to deal with serious matters, she's fairly responsible even if her demeanor might be a little irreverent at times. She devotes herself to her duty of nurturing others' growth and takes her priestly duties seriously. She's quick to offer spiritual comfort to those she perceives as needing it. Though her words of wisdom, quotations, and stories might seem odd to them.

She's fairly devoted to her goddess, being practically a gushing fangirl at times, talking about the wonders of unpredictability and mutation. As adaptability and acceptance of oddness is a central tenant of her life and faith, she's likely to adjust quickly to new things. Indeed, she'll often seek out new experiences. However, she dislikes those she sees as excessively judgmental and will often deliberately violate their sensibilities.

She has little to no respect for authority, following only the rules she sees as absolute necessity (or just good sense). And she will count it as a spiritual duty to disregard unnecessary rules even if it costs her. Every now and then she will deliberately cause chaos targeted at breaking people out of their routines.

But she views violence as the least desirable thing possible. Nonlethal methods (such as drugging violent people, via thorn injection if needed) will always be preferred and even unavoidable/necessary deaths will cause her much upset.

Reason for Joining:
To find new frontiers of enjoyment unknown on her world, and to spread the teachings of Zephyr. Also, that whole protecting her world thing's a biggie.

Position Desired: Enforcer. She's somewhat of a community leader and has some combat experience, but has no political experience.

Point in Canon: After the events described in her background.


Sample Post:
Gatekey Requisition Request Form
Executive Subcommittee of Other-Planar Affairs

Name: Melia
Gender: Female
Age: 57 years.
Home Plane Identification Number: [Left blank due to not having a clue]
Visitor Identification Number: [Left blank due to not having a clue]

Reason for requisitioning a Gate Key:
Well, if I'm needed to help protect my world, I cannot hardly refuse, can I?

Intended use of the Gate Key:
Bringing fun to the worlds.

Favorite Color:
Oh, how could I ever pick just one of them? They're all wonderful in their own ways.

Measurements (Female applicants only):
[Numbers given in magical and religious terms apparently unrelated to her actual bodily measurements.]

Relevant World-Shattering Abilities:
I'm not The End.

Relevant Non-World-Shattering Abilities:
I converse with the spirits and gods more regularly than most, and I have the blessings given to me by Zephyr and Chaos itself. Among those blessings are an affinity for plants.

Psychiatric Evaluation Code:
[Code for "she's just a hedonist"]

Taking in the many refreshments of life. The senses are a joy to have, and to be alive brings many possibilities for activities.

Education Background:
Priestess training.

Work Experience:
Servant of the Goddess Zephyr, the Breath of Joy, Harbinger of Unpredictability, Mother of Spring.

Favorite Plant and/or Animal:
That delectable flower whose bud brings one to a pleasant but light drift upon a river of gentle smiles.


What brings you to Confuto Ordinatio?:
An accident if I understand it right!

What family members do you think were most influential into making you who you are today?:
...Let us not speak of my family.

So how 'bout them Tenbraks eh? Eh? Catch the game? 52-7, I told Janice in Accounting, I said "those Balthims, they're just not up to snuff this year," but no, she said "I'll bet you 20 plat they're gonna take the banner." Take that bet I did, she still insists they'll turn it around though. Ain't that a riot?:
That sounds like an interesting game to try.

What inspired you to apply for an Agent Position?:
It sounded like a fun experience.

What would you say are your greatest strengths?:
Giving guidance to others and helping them know the gods' will, especially that of Zephyr.

What would you say are your greatest weaknesses?:
I guess others would see my squeamishness about fighting as a weakness. And I sometimes get complaints about my behavior.

What skills do you think you'll bring to this agency?:
I believe I could treatise with any spirits and gods we might meet. I have the magic of plants imbued within me. And if I really must, I can fight, though not as well as the best soldiers.

Tell me about some of your prior work experience.:
I've been working as a faithful servant of the Goddess Zephyr, Mother of Chaos, Bringer of Growth, and Rose of Sensuality.

How would you say your prior work experiences shaped you as a person?:
They loosened me up and taught me to have fun. And gave me a purpose to my life.

You sound like you'll be a wonderful match, but you know, rules and procedures and all that so I've got a few more questions for you.:

Do you have a history of meddling in affairs you shouldn't be meddling in?:
Every single bit of meddling I did was justified. Well, almost every one.

Do you consider yourself a hero of justice?:
Goodness no, I'm not a Judicator. But I would support them if they asked me to help!

Have you ever wanted to work for something bigger than yourself?:
Zephyr is the all-loving Mother of Mutants, Wellspring of Newness, and Epicenter of Enjoyment. To serve her is a joy and really fun.

Looks like I was right. You're a great fit here, glad to have you on board!:
Here, allow me to offer you this wine to celebrate, cutie.
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