
Jan 23, 2011 19:08

For all things, PMs are a good contact method. AIM also works well.

4th WALL BREAKING: It's not like Melia's from a published work or anything, so non-applicable I guess.
THREADJACKING: I often enjoy being threadjacked, but ask first. It very much depends on the situation.
BACK THREADING: I do it a lot anyway. I'm fine with it.

MIND READING: Sure, though anyone doing it might come across random salacious thoughts. Ask to find out what you learn.
LOCATION SENSING: Feel free to use your uncanny and possibly creepy stalkerish powers to pinpoint where she is. No, that's not sarcasm, just my bad attempt to be funny. Feel free!
TELEPATHY/MIND CONTROL/ETC.: The more hilarious the better! Do ask first. Might or might not get affected by Melia's Chaos affiliation into something unexpected, like her carrying out a different command than given or such (this would be up for discussion).

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: Somewhat trained, but not highly so (more a combat medic than a lethal commando type). Tends to rely on sedatives and similar drugs as well as plant manipulation and personal mutations.
INJURY/DEATH: Please ask first. I generally prefer a relatively lighter mood with Melia, so generally lighter injuries like maybe losing a limb are preferred. Yes, that counts as a relatively light injury (Melia has some unusual bodily properties).
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Do discuss this first, but in general I'll easily let others win or score ties if they're at all particularly stronger than an average human. Still, depends on the situation (and how hard your character is to hit and take down with sedatives).
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Melia's body is mutable and spare some properties of both plants and humans. In general she's more tough, endurable and has more stamina than a typical human but no other particularly notable physical qualities

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: To make it clear, Melia serves a goddess tightly linked with pleasure, including that kind of pleasure. For this reason, she avoids relationships where jealousy would be a factor. Quite friendly friendships and crushes are fine but anything else should be discussed.
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Melia's quite open about it.

In general, I'm an easygoing player. For anything likely to cause lasting severe consequences such as maiming, trauma, death, and such do ask first. But otherwise go ahead with whatever you're thinking of and Melia will reply in character. I'd like to maintain a generally light mood with Melia but some drama is fine.

For Melia's abilities, the main one of note is her spiritual awareness as she's used to talking to gods and spirits. She'll be aware of general details about magical and spiritual stuff and see stuff not visible to normal people, but not anything deliberately hidden. For example, she might see that spirit hovering next to you that most people can't see. Do comment with anything you'd want or not mind being noticed.

Also, she can produce various herbs with assorted chemical properties found in plants, but the only ones she's likely to use against unwilling targets are sedatives to help subdue violent people. Fiction's filled with examples of people fighting off even extreme amounts of sedatives, so how much this'd affect your character and whether she even hits you is up to you.
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