May 20, 2010 02:43

(c) Saba: We will not let bandits, separatists achieve their goals: Saleh says (19/May/2010)

19 мая президент ЙР Али Абдалла Салех посетил Лагерь Халеда ибн аль-Валида в провинции Таизз. Это недалеко от развилки Таиззского шоссе: прямо дорога идет в Моху (от которой кофе - мокко), налево - в Ходейду. Но почти сразу после этой развилки будет еще асфальтированная дорога слева - в лагерь Халед, мое рабочее место в течение нескольких месяцев в 1990-1991.

TAIZ, May 19 (Saba) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday that the military corporation will stop brigands and separatists from carrying out their plans.

"We will not let criminals, bandits and callers for separation achieve their goals" President Saleh said during an inspection visit to Khaled Bin al-Walid military camp in Taiz governorate.

Yemen has a strong security and military national corporation with up-to-date equipment, techniques and weapons, he said, adding that this corporation will thwart all conspiracies against Yemen.

The President affirmed that the continuous training and higher military and scientific qualification reduce losses in the military operations, saying "The more training is in high qualitative, the more loses are lessened and good results are accomplished".

"We realized that in the military operations you carried out against the rebels in Saada and Harf Syfian", he said.

"The heroes of this camp have presented the most precious sacrifices, especially while fighting for unification" Saleh said.

He urged the camp's individuals to pay more attention to sports to be ready for doing all several operations proficiently and not to chew Qat and smoke.

President Saleh congratulated the officers and soldiers in the comp on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Unification Day.

The President has got acquainted with progress of the training program in the camp.


yemen, лагерь Халед, khalid bin al-walid camp, Йемен

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