Excerpt from
Take One 3/22/01: Tom McCamus |
Hindsight Hindsight
2000 13 min., d/sc/ed Susan Shipton Award-winning editor Susan Shipton (whose distinguished work includes The Adjuster, Exotica, The Sweet Hereafter, Felicia's Journey, Possible Worlds) makes a sure-footed, but disappointing, directorial debut in what is a rather slight comedic drama about the male gaze. Warren (Tom McCamus) is a shy, sheepish office worker who is accused by his co-worker Trina (Martha Burns) of spying on her. As they eat their lunches on a bench and make small talk, Trina suddenly springs on him, brandishing her best feminist orthodoxy with fury and precision: "You stare at me and imagine me naked. I see that bulging eye undressing me, invading me. It's an obsession, a perversion, an assault." He denies the charges and explains that the "staring eye" is actually made of glass. She asks him to remove it and proceeds to examine it while Warren mumbles about how he only wanted her to look back at him.
© Take One
Excerpt from
Now Toronto 6/7/01: Tom McCamus Taking Short Cuts: The Worldwide Short Film Festival makes big leaps
by Ingrid Randoja June 7, 2001 12:00 AM
THE WORLDWIDE SHORT FILM FESTIVAL running today (Thursday, June 7) through Sunday (June 10) at the Cumberland Cinemas (159 Cumberland), the Royal Ontario Museum (100 Queen's Park) and the Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor West). Twenty-ticket festival pass $100, six-pack $35, regular screenings $7. Box office 416-598-9345, www.worldwideshortfilmfest.com.
Three of last year's best Toronto International Film Festival shorts are packaged in Program 5 (Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9, 4 pm, Cumberland). There's Serge Denoncourt's imaginative Via Crucis, about a boy who believes his mother is Jesus Christ, Francine Zuckerman's moving father-and-lesbian-daughter drama Passengers, and Susan Shipton's Hindsight, a quirky look at an office-tower romance, starring Martha Burns and Tom McCamus.
Now Toronto ![](http://c37.statcounter.com/3329984/0/52d68484/0/)