Mutant X Interviews: Seth Howard (8/02 Slipstream)

Jan 26, 2016 20:22

Excerpts from the Slipstream Forum Archives 8/22/02: Seth Howard

Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X

DWF Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/22 05:34 PM

In the Oct. 2002 of Dreamwatch, they reprot that, Howard Chaykin has quit the show. According Seth, in the article, Chaykin has written the season premiere, Past as Prologue, but had indeed left the series.
Seth, if you read this, is there an offical reason for his leaving the show? Because there's reason given in the article.

Avalon Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/22 06:29 PM

Oh heck.
You know, I saw this announcement over at SciFi Wire a few weeks or so ago, and didn't mention it because, well...I figured we didn't need another thread bursting into flame. And because I was unable to envision myself posting it without little impolite about the subject at hand. *winces* So, DWF, I'm glad it's you who opened this can of worms, and not me! (And no, I am NOT picking on you. I'm being very sincere with the smiley faces. )


*pulls up a comfy chair, pops some popcorn, and checks to make sure she has her earplugs handy if needed*

...let the wild rumpus begin!

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/22 06:37 PM

^^^LOL!!!! Funny thing is, the "news" is actually three months old.
And I am hoping that, Seth might have some answers, if he can give them that is.

Seth Howard Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/22 09:58 PM

This is a really sensitive subject (as are all partings) as Howard was/is my comic book idol, friend, and I respect him so very much.
As with many series (it happens all the time guys and gals), changes need to be made. Howard and Mutant X parted ways during the shooting of the third episode and a new head writer was brought on. It was a decision made by Fireworks & Tribune and it was a difficult one at that. Howard is actively persuing numerous new projects and will continue to succeed in everything that he does. The man is quite brilliant and I hope to work with him in the future. That's all I will say on the subject.

I will be more than happy to discuss the changes made to the show, how great it is, and what is in store for this next season at any time (except for now as I have to meet Victor Webster and Michael Easton for FOOD and don't want to be late).

Thanks for bugging me DWF as I have to get the heck offline!

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/22 10:02 PM

Thanks for answering as much as you can, i look forward to haiving that discussion, I like Howard's work myself. And have a nice with those two.

Drew Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 11:43 AM

[Originally posted by Avalon:
You know, I saw this announcement over at SciFi Wire a few weeks or so ago, and didn't mention it because, well...I figured we didn't need another thread bursting into flame. And because I was unable to envision myself posting it without little impolite about the subject at hand. *winces* ]

Permission to speak freely, sirs? No? Okay, then. I'll just sit here and giggle.

Seth Howard Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 02:10 PM
I love to giggle too but I missed the joke. Please share.

G-man Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 02:57 PM

Hey, Seth,
While you're here, why did the writers for Mutant X choose the "Genetic Security Agency" (GSA) for the name of their nefarious organization?

As an employee of the benevolent General Services Administration (GSA), the use of the acronym always causes me to wince a little.


the G-man Himself

CoolGhoul Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Seth Howard:
As with many series (it happens all the time guys and gals), changes need to be made.

I find it slightly ironic that both current Tribune series have had people changed. Let's see what happens with Adventure Inc.

[gallows humor]
"The third time's the charm".
[/gallows humor]

And I state clearly that this is not against Seth, *unless* he was involved in deciding to get rid of them. (If he was, he gets a "boo-hissss" for the RHW dismissal - I have never seen MutantX, so I have no opnion about getting rid of HC).

Drew Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X
2002/08/23 05:10 PM

Originally posted by coolghoul:
"The third time's the charm"

Try "fourth." You're forgetting what happened to E:FC after its first season.
Originally posted by coolghoul:
And I state clearly that this is not against Seth,...
It's sad that you even have to add that disclaimer.

Dylanite Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 05:14 PM
She wouldn't HAVE to if....

frelling warning system.

Seth Howard Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 05:33 PM

Originally posted by G-man:
Hey, Seth,
While you're here, why did the writers for Mutant X choose the "Genetic Security Agency" (GSA) for the name of their nefarious organization?

As an employee of the benevolent General Services Administration (GSA), the use of the acronym always causes me to wince a little.


the G-man Himself

We actually just made that name up and was unaware of your organization. Sorry for the wincing but they are gone this next season anyway...
[This message has been edited by Seth Howard (edited August 23, 2002).]

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 08:45 PM

So Seth, who is the new head writer? And I hope you're going to continue the trend of character based stories, that helped the end of the first season, towards the end.

G-man Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 09:38 PM

That's OK, Seth,
I suspected as much. Sometimes our Administration's exposure is woefully lacking, but then again, managing to keep out of the papers is probably a good indication of how smoothly we operate.

Now, in the upcoming season will we still have Mason Eckhardt around or has he been supplanted as had his organization? Or is this something that you cannot reveal?

Plus ...

Wait a minute, Mutant X was dedicated to the hiding of extant mutants from their creators at Genemax ... Genemax had transformed(?) into the Genetic Security Agency, who replaced it? and how?


the G-man Himself

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 09:55 PM

^^^Ekhart is gone, he was placed into one of his own tubes, by the new villain. A mutant with all of powers of the others, and he has different uses for the mutants.

G-man Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/23 11:37 PM

^^^ Oh, yeah,
That's right, I remember that episode. But ...

... not to sound negative or anything ...

... does there seem to be a recurring pattern here among the tribune shows.

E:FC Each Season we got a bigger Baddie to deal with.

ANDROMEDA after the Magog and the SotA we now have this uber-threat in the Derivas.

MUTANT X after Genemax, we now have the Mutant who would be King.


the G-man Himself

Anonymous Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/24 12:23 AM

Originally posted by DWF:
^^^Ekhart is gone, he was placed into one of his own tubes, by the new villain. A mutant with all of powers of the others, and he has different uses for the mutants.
I saw that episode, then missed the new one they showed after the season finale. So Eckert is gone for good? And that mutant that wants Shalimar really, really bad is the new baddie? Not that I blame him, of course. Oh, and speaking of good-looking people, can I say that I am totally jealous of you, Seth. Being in the same room with Victor Webster...

Sorry...rambling. It happens whem I'm on benadryl. But anyways they should reair that episode before the new season starts. BTW...when does it start?


G1223 Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/24 03:26 AM

Well not to take sides here I remember RHW saying show starters usually leave or get let go after the first season if not earlier. So that being the case and as I do not watch the show I wish the guy well.

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/24 09:53 AM

Originally posted by G-man:
... does there seem to be a recurring pattern here among the tribune shows.

E:FC Each Season we got a bigger Baddie to deal with.

ANDROMEDA after the Magog and the SotA we now have this uber-threat in the Derivas.

MUTANT X after Genemax, we now have the Mutant who would be King.


the G-man Himself[/B]
The new baddie on Mutant X was talked in hte first ep., and the Avitus were mentioned as far back as the first season of E:FC, and I get the feeling that the Derivas won't be around long, after all they need a very powerful conduit just to reach the Rommie's reality.

Chipper Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/24 10:27 AM

Well...the new MX baddie was brought in to accomadate the guy who plays Eckhart having a role in a play or a movie that causes a conflict with his schedule.
It was noted in a prior issue of Sci Fi Mag.

Hibblette Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/25 05:48 PM

Ah but I see Eckhart coming back eventually. Perfect story arc material. Although I do love that young man that is the new bad guy-him delicious.
Seth, I'm looking forward to the new season.

Seth Howard Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/26 01:18 PM

Yes, Tom McCamus who played Eckhart took some theatre jobs in Toronto and we cast Michael Easton as Gabriel Ashlocke for the season finale. He will appear in at least three episodes for the upcoming season (not a year long baddie as someone indicated). Will Eckhart return.......we hope so but he will not be our main bad guy for season two.
All shows (DROM, MX, and Adventure, Inc.) will premiere the first week in October. Lots of fun stuff this year for all shows.

Thanks for your support on MX as I love the show (as I love all the babies)

Starlock Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/26 01:21 PM

^Oooo... October isn't soon enough...

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/26 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Seth Howard:
Yes, Tom McCamus who played Eckhart took some theatre jobs in Toronto and we cast Michael Easton as Gabriel Ashlocke for the season finale. He will appear in at least three episodes for the upcoming season (not a year long baddie as someone indicated). Will Eckhart return.......we hope so but he will not be our main bad guy for season two.
All shows (DROM, MX, and Adventure, Inc.) will premiere the first week in October. Lots of fun stuff this year for all shows.

Thanks for your support on MX as I love the show (as I love all the babies)

I thought, that Andromeda started on the third week of Sept.

Also, who's the new head writer for Mutant X?

DWF Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/28 09:14 PM

Bump for Seth
Andulasia Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/29 12:37 AM

I thought, that Andromeda started on the third week of Sept.
DWF, you must not be hanging out in GD enough Andromeda starts back of the *week of* September 30 - which means most of us will see the premiere the following weekend


Seth Howard Re: Howard Chaykin Has Quit Mutant X 2002/08/29 07:05 PM

The new head writer is (has been) Peter Mohan. He is doing a great job and we are getting some amazing work from him.
Hopefully, i will be able to tell you about a suprise guest writer in a couple of weeks who may be writing an episode for us. (As well as an upcoming guest-star that isn't confirmed yet)

Season 2 is going to be quite spectacular for MX!!

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