Dangerous Decisions Comic Book
First Appearance: June 2002.
Details: In early 2002, Marvel released three one-shot
Mutant X comic books based upon events in the television show. These comic books gave more background information about the characters. Despite the fact that the comic books' release had been pushed forward from October 2001 in order to capitalize on the show's predicted popularity, both fan and reviewer reception to these one-shots was lukewarm, and no more comic books were forthcoming.
The second Mutant X two-part book, "Dangerous Decisions," was about
Shalimar Fox's teenaged years in high school. A review is
here. Sample pages from "Dangerous Decisions" can be viewed
Part One: "Dangerous Decisions #1: Still Water"
Released: June 2002
Written by: Kathryn Kuder
Penciled by: Stuart Immonen
Inked by: Karl Story
Lettered by: Tom Orzechowski
Colored by: Hi-Fi Designs
Part Two: "Dangerous Decisions #2: Dangerous Games"
Written by: Paul D. Storrie
Penciled by: Stefano Caselli
Inked by: Rich Perrota
Lettered by: Letterin' Fool
Colored by: Hi-Fi Designs
Assistant Editor: Lynne Yoshii
Editor: Andrew Lis
Editor-in-Chief: Joe Quesada
President: Bill Jemas
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