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Comments 8

lorrainemarker September 28 2010, 01:30:00 UTC
I loved this entire chapter. In a story filled with extremely strong scenes, this chapter includes the two strongest scenes in the entire story:

Helo's confession to Gaeta through his active & Hoshi calling Narho home. Both scenes made me cry. Both packed enormous wallop emotionally and plot wise & you pulled both off perfectly.

Also, I love how you kept the plot elements of Dollhouse like Adele's willingness to manipulate and the hidden programing bombs in the active's personalities. I didn't watch season 2, so I suspect I'm missing a good bit of Sierra's backstory, but I loved how you played her story out here over several chapter leading to this confrontation.


lls_mutant September 29 2010, 02:46:26 UTC
Thanks so much! I am very, very fond of both of those scenes, so I am glad they worked so well for you. They both just were so much of what I wanted to say with this...

They did address Sierra's backstory in Season 2. She was pretty much forced into dollhood- some rich guy gave her drugs and convinced Topher, at least (and maybe some of the others, I forget) that she was mentally ill, and being an Active would save her. I forget it all, but I didn't want to dwell too heavily on it anyway :)
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trovia October 3 2010, 16:11:53 UTC
I very much loved the moment when Adelle told Laura she wasn't a supporter of her, doing this to follow her own political agenda. The moment it happened I realized you'd set it up like that, but I hadn't seen it coming because the cool kids are usually always followers of Roslin. ;)

I also very much liked the scene with Hoshi and Narcho.

Your Hoshi reminded me an awful lot of Rodney McKay on Stargate: Atlantis in this chapter. Heh. The snark suited him well.


lls_mutant October 4 2010, 12:46:09 UTC
Adelle double-crossing was one of the things that I had a hard time with at first, and then once I realized she would do it, the last third of the fic fell into place. And why shouldn't she? There were obviously a LOT of pissed-off people at this point!!!

Hoshi and snark are a lot of fun to put together. :) And really, if someone's in love with Gaeta, they've got to at least be appreciative of snark, if not incredibly snarky themselves :)



millari October 7 2010, 12:18:28 UTC
Okay, that did not go exactly where I thought it was going for a minute. And which might have been crackily awesome. - namely that Roslin herself was an Active, had been one since before the Fall, like that senator on Dollhouse. Still, a very action=packed chapter, full of some great twists.

You know, I both loved how Roslin got all clear-eyed in charge at the end, because it reminds me of the Roslin of S1 and S2, but then a second later, I was squicked all over again by how she wasn't willing to outright destroy the technology, but have Galactica hold onto the knowledge. That's creepy, knowing it'll just be around and she could secretly decide to pull it out again. Also, it just generally frustrates me about Roslin that it took her almost being imprinted for her to see what was so wrong with the technology. But that's in line with S4 Roslin, so that's no criticism, just sadmaking. ;)

As lorrainemarker mentioned, I loved the Helo confession to Gaeta. Even though he won't remember it, I'm glad that it happened before Gaeta got woken up. I think ( ... )


lls_mutant October 8 2010, 01:11:11 UTC
Thanks! I had to laugh at your last comment. You usually use such long, thoughtful comments- a three line comment said so much with what you didn't say :)

I had never even considered that Roslin was already an Active. that would have been crackily awesome indeed.

You know, I;m not sure what all Adelle and Topher will do, but they haven't been able to do much for a long time before this. Laura had their power restricted so they couldn't actually use the chair :)


prophetkristy October 8 2010, 18:19:44 UTC
I never, ever thought I'd be saying something like this, but Hoshi and Kara are <3 !

"Everything will be all right," Helo murmured, almost unthinkingly.
Gaeta looked at him. "Now that you're here."

Not gonna lie, that gave me chills.

Oh, I loved the little flashback Helo had with the handshake.

I loved TEN MILLION TIMES MORE that Helo confessed! Epic wibbling going on right here!

Adelle looked directly at Gaeta. "The seeds of the tomato grow into plants."

UH-OH!!! Um. frak.

Gods, Adama was the king of Stockholm's Syndrome if he could inspire loyalty in a woman he locked up for over a year.

....that is a very good point.

OK, Adelle's plan is kind of awesome.

"It's not a soul," Topher piped up. "It's a complicated program of data downloaded into an organic matrix that… nobody cares about right now, so I'll just shut up

*giggle* I know we've mentioned it, but your Topher is so fun!

This chapter was made of so much win! Very tense, and twisty, and also funny and touching.  


lls_mutant October 8 2010, 20:20:08 UTC

Hoshi and Kara were one of my favorite parts of this fic. It was like they pulled on my sleeve and said, "Hey, this IS a Joss Whedon crossover. Let us have a few Whedon-inspired moments, okay?" I loved writing the two of them.

I'm glad you liked Helo's confession. I was really happy with that scene.

Thanks! :)


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