Today you are planning to play a new game called SBURB with your friends. It's a rather COMPLICATED AND CONFUSING GAME, so honestly I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to avoid the ordeal altogether. There are plenty of COMPLEX RULES, BIZARRE TERMINOLOGY, and lots and lots of WEIRD TIME SHIT.
Once you've set yourself up, you may proceed to
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You use your IMAGINATIONKIND SPECIBUS against enemies, and fight them based on WHATEVER YOU'RE INTERESTED IN at that moment. Though you often end up befriending the imps through your POWERS OF ADORABLE rather than fighting them. If they are ever bad, you are not afraid to give them a good BONK ON THE HEAD. You keep all your STUFF in your YOTSUBOX MODUS. It is CUSTOMIZABLE and comes with markers so you can DRAW on it.
You are the PRINCESS OF LUCK but have no idea what that means, other than you think you should get a CROWN for it. You were put in the LAND OF FIELDS AND RAINBOWS. You prototyped your KERNELSPRITE first with a PICTURE you drew of some of your friends, so all the imps look BADLY DRAWN. Your second prototyping was with a squashed TSUKUTSUKUBOSHI. It is a SUMMER FAIRY. :D
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