Today you are planning to play a new game called SBURB with your friends. It's a rather COMPLICATED AND CONFUSING GAME, so honestly I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to avoid the ordeal altogether. There are plenty of COMPLEX RULES, BIZARRE TERMINOLOGY, and lots and lots of WEIRD TIME SHIT.
Once you've set yourself up, you may proceed to
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You are generally SCARED of fighting enemies and attack from afar with your various JACKBOTS. When forced to fight up close you use your STAFFKIND SPECIBUS, usually employing a particular STAFF called the MONKEY STAFF. Once using it, your SPECIBUS switches to MONKEYKIND. You keep all your things in your TOOLBOX MODUS. It generally involves rummaging around for your things, usually resulting in POKING YOURSELF with POINTY OBJECTS.
You haven't yet found your role and therefore wander semi-aimlessly around the LAND OF GEARS AND BAMBOO. You will one day learn that you are the SAGE OF WORTH and will no doubt be PUZZLED and EMBARRASSED by this. No one really appreciates that you first prototyped your KERNELSPRITE with one of your LASERS. Your second prototyping was with the GOOD VERSION OF YOURSELF, who is somehow an ENTIRELY SEPARATE BEING for reasons no one can understand. You hoped that this would shut him up. It didn't work.
TB: ... Why is your sprite you?
TB: Doubles unite!
TB: ...
TB: What? Just because I'm part Negabun doesn't mean I can't say anything. There is so~ much stuff I know that you don't.
TB: I have no problem with hijacking your stuff to do so.
TB: Like that guy? Totally has the balance of good and evil going on.
TB: And hey! Don't mess with my brother, or you'll have me to deal with. Neg!
TB: "Neg"?
TB: I dunno. Felt like saying it.
-- twinBackbeat [TB] began pestering awesomeRoboticist [JG] --
AR: i was hoping he would shut up if i threw him in the glowing... thing
AR: i didn't know that would mean he had to follow me around
AR: its really annoying
AR: hey, what are you do-
AR: OOOOOH, I'm so excited to be playing this game with you guys!!!
AR: We're going to have SO MUCH FUN!!!
AR: As long as we have good on our side, there's nothing we can't do!!!
AR: oh my gosh
AR: shut up
AR: before i feed you to the imps
AR: D:
AR: Don't be such a sourpuss!
TB: ...
TB: Yeah. Gack, keep him in line. Neg.
AR: o7
AR: gack?
AR: yeah, thats pretty fitting
AR: also stop encouraging him
AR: it makes him even more annoying
TB: You could learn a lot from him, Neg.
TB: Can I have my phone back?
TB: Neg.
TB: But I have to--
TB: You can call your girlfriend in a bit. I'm talking here.
TB: She's not--!
TB: Neg neg neg. :)
TB: And get off my head!
AR: give normal derrick the phone back
AR: hes smarter than you
AR: wait
AR: girlfriend what girlfriend
AR: Awww, how adorable!!!
AR: Love between two classmates!!!
AR: So beautiful and pure~~~
TB: And who's normal Derrick?
TB: There's only one Derrick!
TB: Right so--
TB: And that Blossom girl's his girlfriend. Neg! :)
TB: We're not--!
TB: You should see how red he is!
TB: Shut up! We're not like that at all.
TB: We're just friends, and give me back my phone!
AR: isnt that the chick you saved from time
AR: ahahaha oh man
AR: you dog, gonna make a move, huh
AR: eyebrow wiggle
AR: Hey! Don't make fun of him!
AR: It's cute and sweet and pure, and you're mocking it!
AR: That's horrible!
AR: D;
TB: There's nothing going on!
TB: ... Help me out here.
TB: Who? Me?
TB: Neg. :)
TB: ... Traitor.
TB: Neg~ :)
AR: are you gonna ask her out or what?
TB: There's nothing going on.
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