Daily Tweets

Feb 23, 2009 09:00

  • 15:58 Can't say I expected Rod Stewart's Every Picture Tells a Story to be a key song in GTAIV: The Lost and Damned... #
  • 21:44 Dear Payless Shoes: You are using a terrible Depeche Mode cover: tinyurl.com/aqm62q #
  • 21:56 @ jfpoole Sorry. It was just one part of the Oscars that I can't unwatch. I'm not sure why I hate myself like this. #
  • 21:58 No seriously, is this whole musical medley here because of Mama Mia? Because that seemed like a huge waste of time, and I like Abba! #
  • 22:13 @ mutantlog I'm not opposed to good covers,and I know we disagree on Cat Power's Space Oddity, but that one was just lame. The Gap was better #
  • 22:30 @ onion74 tinyurl.com/dxfskg #
  • 22:30 @ megier Hmm, do I retweet with @onion74 in there or just leave it? #
  • 22:35 @ megier Answer: Leave it. She's already replied. #
  • 22:45 Lessons that sound obvious when you say them: Don't leave your can of pop next to the fan vent of your laptop. #
  • 22:49 @ onion74 It was nearly empty, and not there for super long so it wasn't a horrible experience. #
  • 22:49 @ firda I know @jessicasays gave up and went upstairs. I played some GTAIV for a bit, so I think I'm watching more than caring #
  • 22:55 Also, why have I not been interested in Slumdog Millionaire when it's a Danny Boyle movie with a game show framing? This confuses me. #
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