Feb 01, 2007 21:19
Title - Starry-Eyed
Author - Mutantjedibauer
Rating - Totally G
Disclaimer - I live in America. I'm automatically disqualified.
Word Count - 534
Summary - Complete fluff. Possibly the fluffiest thing I've yet written. The Doctor and Rose, during a brief respite in an adventure.
Prompt - Stars
Author's Note - Written for the Happy!Who ficathon. Really fluffy, and with a large dash of stream-of-consciousness, simply because that's always what comes out when I write.. And I cringed myself when I named it, but my fingers are so cold they're not really working anymore and I couldn't think of anything else.. Works for either Nine or Ten, and I'm not sure which one I was thinking about whilst I wrote, so whomever you'd like it to be. :) This is completely unbeta-ed, so feel free to tell me what I've screwed up on. Comments and criticisms are enough to merit snoopy-dances, and hence, amazingly appreciated.
They were standing so close together. She let out a slow breath, trying to not make any noise but all she could hear anyway was the sound of her heart beating. Amazing that he didn’t seem to notice. Amazing still that their pursuers didn’t hear it either. Their small closet was dimly lit through the crack in the door and what must have passed for a window to someone but was clearly too small and narrow to be of any actual use. She could see a few furry leaves from a nearby tree and just the tiniest sliver of sky. She felt cheated. The sky here was so beautiful, with a huge sun that - despite its size and relative proximity - wasn’t blinding and only gave off enough heat to allow life to thrive comfortably. She had decided to grab a light jacket before they left the safety of the TARDIS. Though now that jacket was a bit much.
They were so close.
She watched him, because really, what else was there to look at? She had glimpsed a tiny bit of their current abode before he had squeezed in beside her and hurriedly shut the door. Wasn’t much interesting about it; your standard, run-of-the-mill, alien storage cupboard. Half the things in there she didn’t recognise, and the other half she did and wasn’t particularly enthused by. Either way, he was always infinitely more fascinating than anything else. He had his head right up to the door, flush with its surface, ears strained, eyes focused and bouncing all over the place as though he was able to somehow see through the doors and the walls right to their chasers.
And maybe he could.
Probably not. She dismissed the idea.
She certainly couldn’t hear anything, even though by this point her heart had slowed down to a slightly more regular rate. Well, more of a resting rate. Regular just about equated to what it had been before. They were always running. She figured she’d probably run more with the Doctor than just about any other point in her life.
She’d always enjoyed running.
His eyes were sharp. She took advantage of their position - so close - to look at them. In the dim light, and helped by the thin line that was now streaming through the door as he cracked it to check the coast, she thought she saw stars in his eyes. And she did. Millions of stars and planets. Galaxies and worlds apart within the confines of those eyes. Past stars, future stars, constellations and configurations he’d told her the names of but she’d long-since forgotten, brain matter taken up instead with alien facts and figures, How to Fly the TARDIS: 101, and similar classes held out of necessity.
Something in her mind is telling her that this is a trick of the lights. That what she’s calling ‘stars’ are really only shiny things being reflected. She chucks the voice away, never to be heard again. She knows, and always has known, that she travels with the man who holds the stars in his eyes, and she loves it.
Thanks for reading. Have a good day. ^^
doctor who