Sep 27, 2010 11:07
NOTE: apparently I saved this as a draft 3 months ago. I have made the decision to publish it to livejournal as is for the state of record and the assumption that no one reads this blog anyway. If you do feel free to comment.
Nearly one month ago Sofia Svetlana Hughes joined our family registering my wife and I into a trial by fire parenting class. At birth she was 7lbs 7 ounces, being who we are my wife and I made the decision that Sofia would be a breast fed girl in hopes that beastfeeding would give her an edge in life as breast fed tend to be healthier and more resiliant to colic and viruses due to the fact that they are getting less air, less empty calories more of Mom's antibodies and natural opiates. As babies naturally loose weight after birth Sofia left the hospital weighing an even 7 lbs. However, the learning curve proved too great and within two weeks rather than regaining her birth weight she had dropped to 6 lbs 3 oz.
We met our Pediatrician when Sofia's weight slumped and she gave us some quick pointers on how to properly feed our baby girl and suppliment with bottle feedings. We followed the advice and within two weeks she had jumped to 7 lbs 6 oz and proudly went back to our pediatrician showing what a good job Sofia was doing gaining weight.
"This is a starving baby." She said curtly in her deep Western Kentucky accent. From the horn rimmed glasses on her face to the slouch in her back everything about her deemed the woman of people of our states Western Planes.
Along with sunami of joy we got a 2 night hospital stay due to the tirrany of an evil pediatrician who claimed she was starving and underdeveloped and yesterday she broke free from that label reaching a healthy 8lbs 8oz and landing us all in the clear. My little girl is already proving herself to be survivor.