most of the first-season cast of "Heroes" appeared at a press conference announcing the world tour last week, and a couple of entertainment shows had clips last night. a few of the cast have big mouths (coughMilo&Masicough) and let some spoilers for s2 slip.
almost everyone was there, but no Leonard Roberts (DL) or James Kyson Lee (Ando). Milo was working the non-emo-bang hair, and if you think Adrian Pasdar's facial hair is bad (which is ISN'T), take a look at Santiago Cabrera, who appears to be auditioning for the lead in the Unibomber movie. or maybe he's playing the title role in a revival of "Jesus Christ Superstar!"
Heroes cast Extra 06-22-07Uploaded by
123lucyfur Heroes cast Access Hollywood 06-22-07Uploaded by