May 07, 2008 17:29
no i aint seen the movie of the same name, but i like the concept of having one. i kind of secretly always have had one in my head and not talk about...but if you look at some of my accomplishments, the rest dont seem that delusional or impossible. its my life! its my dream! nothings gonna stop me now (perfect strangers theme song.terrible show. excellent song) we can build this thing together. standing strong forever. nothings gonna stop us now (theme from mannequin. terrible movie. great song. i like the 80s.sometimes a little too much)
>>>>>>this list will continue to grow over time i assume...
sign an autograph.check (back when i was in the band Fuzz,The Shrinky Dinks, numerous times despite my pleas not to for Blue Man fans and as a referee for little kids in FCW)
see TOOL.check (2007)
see RADIOHEAD.check (last night)
see RUSH.check (1994,1996)
see FAITH NO MORE.check. (my first concert in 1992,1995,1997)
see MR BUNGLE.check (best concert i ever saw. 1999)
see PRIMUS.check. (1995)
see BAD RELIGION. check (1995,1996,2002,2004)
see PANTERA. check (1994 all alone when i was 14,1995,1997)
see DREAM THEATER. check (1997,2000)
see SLAYER and live to tell...and survive a moshpit.check. (2002,2004)
see GREEN DAY.check (1997,2002)
go to Canada.check (2003.loved every part of it and every second i was there. Calgary,Toronto,Montreal,Vancouver)
leave the country...if only for a while. check. (MEXICO,blech, AND CANADA)
go on a cruise. check. (thanksgiving 1999)
get paid for doing something ridiculously easy.check (just about every job i ever taken and anytime i am paid after playing a show.)
sing onstage with a favorite band.check. (LAGWAGON.1998. after pestering them to play RAZOR BURN all night long, they finally acknowledged myself and my friend Brendan and brought us onstage to sing it on separate mics at opposite ends of the stage. another shining moment,personal highlight and one more thing people remember me for having done. small, yes, but no less memorable as hell)
attend a WRESTLEMANIA.check.(2008)
receive a paycheck from WWE. check. twice. (2007)
go on a tour/sleep on a tour bus/party like a rock star.check.(2003)
have a member of a band i grew idolizing approach me after a show i have played, shake my hand and
say "good show,man".check (Tim Alexander,drummer from Primus in Vegas,2001)
embarass the drummer of a hair band by playing a cock rock song in front of him while one of us wears a shirt of the band he was in.check. (Blas Elias from Slaughter, Vegas, 2001)
get engaged.check ( what if it didnt last or lead to end up getting married. im fine with having asked a girl who said yes to me. good enough)
have sexual intercourse with a living breathing female.check. (various dates, thank you very much.just not for the last year or so.who cares.)
live to reach 18.check (cigarettes and porn! fuck voting!)
live to reach 21.check (alcohol)
live to reach 27. check. (morrison,hendrix,cobain,joplin...connolly?)
stand in a wrestling ring without being beaten down by security. check. ( better. worked as a referee. one step above my wildest dreams)
meet someone i admire.check. (several times over. weird al.the vandals. lagwagon.pantera.chris jericho.tons of wrestlers.dave attell.)
meet someone you have had dirty perverted thoughts to.check.(2003. Debra McMichael. and she kissed my sad little mind, thats a score!)
be a part of a DVD. check. (Complex Rock Tour.2003. you know whats is in the credits bitch.)
have picture be in a magazine. check (drum magazine. 2003, with my brother Kevin)
be in a newspaper for something other an obituary. check (little kid, picture taken in school being cute as hell)
sing karaoke.check (and did surprisingly well.sang Easy like a Sunday Morning in 2005 and Heart-Alone, to a room full of cheering people and numerous compliment and suggestions i sing for a band,and Chicago-Hard to Say Im Sorry in 2006, then Denis Leary-Asshole in 2007)
sing in front of people drunk...and get complimented...non karaoke.check. (last night of BMG tour in Biloxi, MS. Annette from Venus Hum said i was good and should sing more. Tracy Bonham said i was just yelling. HA! everyone else was laughing too hard to say anything besides "you're fuckin crazy man")
smoke pot,do coke,get drunk,smoke a cigarette, smoke a hookah,inject drugs through a needle,smoke crack,snort pills...and not die from any of them...check. (so far, so days have long since died is nice...for living)
>>>>>>>>>>>>list of things to do...
not die
cheat death
have a song of mine played on the radio. by someone other than me or someone i know.
record an album. a real album. not this bullshit i been making for years and not selling copies of.
get a record deal/sign some sort of contract
be on the cover of a magazine...not porn or Playgirl either!
get a tattoo. only if it absolutely neccessary.
have something on my body pierced...just to say that i did.i like scars.
do acid/shrooms/ the right environment and have it not be a horribly miserable experience
go to Italy
go to Irelend
go to Scotland
go to Amsterdam
go to Hawaii (yaaaaaaay. i wanna go to Hawaii. i got mail. yaaaaaaaay.)
see Van Halen before Eddie dies.the original lineup would be a huge plus. as in all 4 members.
meet Vince McMahon
meet Adam Sandler
meet Jim Carrey
meet George Carlin
meet Bobby Heenan
meet Rowdy Roddy Piper
meet Bret The Hitman Hart ( i do have his signed book and his ex wifes phone number!)
meet Kevin Smith (or have small part in a movie)
meet and/or be a guest on Tom Green's show
meet and/or be a guest/employee on Howard Stern's show
meet and/or be a guest/employee of Conan O'Brien's show
perform stand up comedy in front of paying customers.
perform and do well, not bomb horribly, as a comedian.
perform as a musical guest on a late night talk show or SNL. host SNL? cast member on SNL? something similiar?
host a radio show/work as a dj on the radio
be in a videogame
have an action figure made of myself
be in a movie (as an extra,not a starring or featured role.i hate movie stars)
be in a cartoon/animated version of myself
sellout an arena/club/stadium? of people paying to see me/something i am in perform (i dont count blue man)
f a chick in the a.(just to be able to say i did,i still feel like its really gay. which i could never be.buttsex is wrong.)
have a kid.a boy! a girl is considered a failure. and will completely ruin my life and future plans.(bottom of the list and really not expected to actually happen. better chance of anything else occurring before this)