Aug 28, 2013 23:51
I have been writing my dreams down in other places, heres a bunch of them of days I've lost.
I had a pretty trippy dream.
I had a dream about a black haired girl in black. Dressed kind of like a pilgrim, with huge golden eyes wearing a white mask. the mask had a black circle overlay on the left side, and was dirty for the most part.
She had some kind of psychic or magnetic powers, it ended up going down like a batman setup. She was going to kill alot of people.
Meanwhile my dream created an entire episode of Futurama? WTF it was about the future of 3D Printing and created lots of bad joke reastraunts of the future. Including some kind of Starbucks you could drive a car through. The 3D Printing was used to mass produce designer cheese.
Lastly I was in some fucking facility with Steven. Also Char Aznable plotting the death of Garma Zabi. We were trying to decide what to wear for halloween, and hte options were Spiderman costume, or Vault Boy costume. Once we put on the Vaultboy jumpsuits, without wearing the mask we were recognized as Vault Dwellers and we could now repair machinary and sell weapons. Also for some reason they had mint ice cream butterfinger ice cream bars.
I had a dream about an abandoned pokemon ride that I used to go to as a kid. It was heavilly based n the original gameboy game. For some reason I decided to hang out in the first section of it for a long time because I could get wifi there.
I met James from Team Rocket there, and we somehow became friends. I wanted to break into the command center of the pokemon ride because it contained props. Instead he took me to some sort of Barbie Ride in the same abandoned theme park.
there were alot of people were hanging out because it had a still working hot spring.
some of them were dangerous.
I watched Adventure Time last night before I went to bed, as a result I had some pretty freaky dreams. They were mainly about BMO trying to kill Finn by setting the house on fire, a few times he did it and it left ashes behind, but somehow reality reset.
I had a dream I was watching ghostbusters, but everyone had horrible fake blonde looking 80s hair. After that I was living in New York, but I eventually noticed I had the ability to fly. I didn't get too far off the ground, but I did start pushing the limit, I eventually got up to about 5 feet while hovering. I told my neighbors kids about it, they were all confused.
I had a dream my boss rented out some kind of space in a mall to show kids a new product. but it didn't work out, I almost fought one of the kids.