So, I took a story series that I started writing looong ago and put it on this site called Storiesonline, which is a free platform for syndicating stories... online (you'd never work that out from the name, would you?). Now, the more people read and vote on the story on Storiesonline, the more publicity it gets within the site, which means the more new readers learn my name and want to read more of my work. If everybody currently reading Tales of MU ends up reading this, then I'll be among the top-ranked authors on Storiesonline for sure.
So please, check out
Void Dogs... to be updated twice weekly, with individual chapters for a series of pulpish novels, the first of which is titled Hot Swap. How would I describe it? The drug-addled lovechild of Firefly and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, reared on my love of magic-for-technology swaps and nontraditional views on sexuality... the latter being played more for laughs than it is in MU.
Oh, and credit where credit is due: Void Dogs is based largely on ideas contributed by my dear friends Sonya K. Dragon and Quinn Isley.