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water_to_air August 14 2007, 11:16:48 UTC
Gosh, Steff being a guy in drag didn't even occur to me! I thought she had some sort of background much like... Yanma? The guy who changes into a girl when hot water is splashed on him.
Heh... I'm amused that I go for the esoteric explanation and ignore the more obvious 'transvestite' one.


water_to_air August 14 2007, 11:38:07 UTC
Oh, don't laugh! I thought it was a "third gender" sort of thing, you know? Like, elves = different race = maybe they have a third gender.

I said stop laughing.


water_to_air August 14 2007, 15:57:52 UTC
I am definitely NOT going to laugh at that, or at any other far-fetched theory.
In fact, I am going to reserve my laughter for now. I am halfway expecting that Steph is NOT a transvestite but that we are supposed to think it the case, and even feel all superior and smug about it and about Mackenzie's ignorance. When the truth is revealed it might not be the truth we all think. I do not know and I am keeping an open mind.


Steff water_to_air August 14 2007, 23:33:26 UTC
I've pretty much decided that Steff is either a transvestite or possibly a hermaphrodite.


water_to_air August 15 2007, 04:06:30 UTC
Heh, I'd also imagined that one. I dismissed that one because it doesn't exist in D&D.

Also, thankyou for correcting me. Aside from one comic I'd never heard of Ranma and when I wrote it down I was pretty sure I was spelling it wrong.


water_to_air August 14 2007, 11:57:21 UTC
khavren August 14 2007, 12:09:32 UTC
Ranma, an anime where the main character was cursed to change sex depending on hot/cold water


Re: Ranma's problems water_to_air August 14 2007, 18:26:09 UTC
So when she was in hot water...he would have to take a cold shower???? Hmmm....interesting take on days at the beach...probably wouldn't be a toe you would stick in the water to see if it was too cold.


haruka27 August 15 2007, 05:42:03 UTC
Transvestite or transgendered? They are different things, you know. The whole "my teachers get flustered and aren't sure what to address me, but thank you for being so accepting" made me think transgendered, but the whole "I have sex with my penis and enjoy it!" made me think more transvestite. So I guess we'll see.


water_to_air August 15 2007, 05:50:36 UTC
well for that matter transgendered isn't the same as transexual. transgendered just means having a nonstandard gender identity where transexual would mean that she identifies as female and wants to live as one physically. so enjoying sex with 'her' penis doesn't rule out transgendered just transexual

somebody put somewhere that they think steff's gender is "steff" which I think is probably about right.


haruka27 August 15 2007, 06:08:53 UTC
Hmm, I guess it depends on where you're from, then. I've always heard that transgendered is trans-gendered, and just choosing to identify with a nonstandard gender is genderqueer. Transsexual, as far as I've heard it, is post-operative. But I'm not saying you're wrong. Just that the transgendered people in my life are uncomfortable having penises and being sexual with their penises (and are transwomen, obviously).

And cute, Steff being Steff. I like that better than trans-whatever.


mutales August 15 2007, 11:05:09 UTC
A little clarification... I'm not sure if this is what the poster was getting at, but those people you're describing as transgendered are transgendered... as well as transsexual. Transgendered is an umbrella term for anybody whose gender identity is other than what you'd expect from their genetic sex. Somebody who is a transsexual is transgendered, but the reverse is not always true.

The term "transsexual" applies to a transsexual pre-op or post-op, but some don't use it either because it causes confusion (from the assumption that it means post-op) or because it's a bit of a loaded term... but surgery doesn't make somebody a transsexual.


haruka27 August 15 2007, 14:36:56 UTC

... this is why I never label myself anything if I can help it. Everyone has so many personal interpretations for labels that you can't really ever say anything and have people understand you. I'm including myself in that, don't worry.


water_to_air August 15 2007, 18:31:28 UTC
The poster you replied to didn't mention trans-SEXUAL, only trans-GENDERED and trans-VESTITE. I figure Steff for a bisexual transvestite myself.


water_to_air August 15 2007, 06:17:42 UTC
You are referring to Ranma from Ranma 1/2. His father, Genma, turns into a panda bear. Very funny Manga and Anime.


water_to_air August 15 2007, 11:25:22 UTC
Ah ha!
I'd wondered who that bear was!


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