Now that's just...ominous. Now I'm worried to death about Amaranth, hurry up and save your lover demon girl! I hope she at least gets to apologize to her before a monster gets her.
Well, nymphs are CR 7... they aren't huge contenders in the HP department, but they do have DR, and I don't imagine the monsters are carrying cold iron... plus they can dimension door and cast druid spells!
I understand the MUniverse isn't D&D. I just had to show off what a huge geek I am. -Kevin
Yep. I even posted a comment about it. I was also the first to post a comment about Randalf the Red. :D
I assume at least a few of us followed links here from webcomics (I saw the banner at Schlock Mercenary, I think). I'm pretty sure the "more than a few geeks" line follows from that.
I understand the MUniverse isn't D&D. I just had to show off what a huge geek I am.
(The comment has been removed)
I assume at least a few of us followed links here from webcomics (I saw the banner at Schlock Mercenary, I think). I'm pretty sure the "more than a few geeks" line follows from that.
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