Patient: Emma Frost
Fandom: Marvel
Word Count: 350
Prompt: 26.3. Can you hear me now?
Despite my utter hatred and contempt for this commercial and the entire campaign surrounding it, it oddly strikes a chord in my life. Both now and in the past. I think mostly as I haven't felt that many in my life have ever truly listened. Now, obviously, I'm not talking in the business world, nor in the realm of saving the world with the X-Men. I'm talking about in relationships, intimate or otherwise.
My father obviously never listened to what I wanted or needed. I told them I heard voices, they had me locked up. I demanded they get help for Christian, they left him alone. Even when I tried explaining how lost Adrienne was becoming, it was like I was talking to a brick wall, as the saying goes.
I have to admit that I do see the irony. I'm a telepath who believes that those closest to her don't ever really hear her. Not what I'm saying over what they want to hear. Sebastian only heard his own needs. That hasn't changed. I can admit that with Scott it was two sided, I wasn't listening anymore than he was hearing. I feel there was more than physical intimacy in my past relationships and yet, still, I don't think my desires were ever heard.
It hasn't changed. Excluding James, who I do think tried more than most until the end, I have several in my life now that care for me but I'm not always certain they hear me. I suppose that's the cross I bear. Every life has a burden, has that which they must endure no matter how hard they try. Perhaps this is mine.
I suppose I'm better off than most. I'm not under any illusions and I know this is happening. I don't have false pretenses, no silly notions to have shattered later. I am seen a certain way, as a certain person. It isn't the same for everyone in my life but they all have molds they fit me into rather than making the mold around me. At least I'm aware of this. I think that puts me ahead of most.