Parental Units!

Jun 16, 2005 00:21

Okay, so I'm leaving in two weeks for Spain, where I will spend six days hiking through all types of terrian. Anyway, so I going with a group and we've been doing practice hikes, ten miles each, with nine pound backpacks. So, after the last hike all the girls in the group were a bit sore, me being the least (sore) of the four, and my mom (one of the group leaders) was pretty worn out herself, as was my neighbor (another girl in the group). Yeah, so lately my mother has been hounding me to get outside and prepare because she's sooooooo worried that I'm going to whimp out by day two, and says that if I'm constantly in pain or am whining that it wouldn't be fair to the group..... It just makes me soooooo anrgy that she has the audacity to tell me that she doesn't think i'll be able to make it, when she was struggling more than I was last time!!!!! Her hipocricy enrages me to NO END! But, there is nothing i can do. It is such a destructive cycle: she yells, I sit silently and avoid eye contact, she yells some more about how she can't stand it when I don't communicate back to her, I keep quiet, she storms off, she comes back to yell one more thing about how no one cares about her feelings, then walks away. The worse part is that if I try to say stuff back to her it only seems to lead to more yelling (at me), so i figure the best system is to remain silent.
So, that's part of what happened tonight, and a couple day ago and a couple days before that... etc. Having my mom back at work kinda sux, on the one hand she's happy because she has financial freedom, on the other, she's soooo stressed out and it seems that she's taking out her frustration on me.... over the most minute things, of course. I don't mean to rag on my mom, she's usually a peach, but lately she's been getting to me and since no one really reads this, I don't really see the big deal, especially since it is all scewed through my perspective and is probably blown all out of proportion......... whatever.
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