wow! i actually got sleep last night! it neccessarily involved skipping history of modern germany this morning, but oh well, all good things come at a price. i've found that this applies to everything. 's not always a bad thing, but it's always true, i think. some prices are hard to pay. it's hard for me to make new friends, knowing that within a couple of years, i'll probably loose them. it's hard to put up the money, and especially the time for a concert or something like that. there's even a price for following God, but that's a price that i pay with joy. i've come to learn that the things He asks us to give up are not what they seem to be. i look at it now like a prisoner being asked to surrender his place at a whipping post, rather than a noble being asked to graciously give up a place at a fine table.
shower now, dinner later with
bjforester and whoever else shows up. just saw her an hour ago. 's nice to know that someone truly cares about you, and is happy to see you, rather than just thinking "okay, that's nice, now go away".
at some point i'll have to figure out what's due this week. that could be important.