Things That I've Been Up To! :D

Nov 15, 2009 23:58

So, it seems that for the past month and half, I've been dead.

Musubi, you lazy prat, what gives? You might be asking yourself. You've got at Suburban Youth to work on! Your Rome fics that have been plaguing your mind since your last Rome paper for history. You've got FSTs to put together and that 9/11 sequel you promised the readers whose hearts your ripped out and ate. Have you lost interest in Hetalia and livejournal in general?




Nyet and


I've just been extremely busy. So...instead of writing my fics----which I'm going to, don't worry! Especially Suburban Youth. I've got plenty ideas for that one---what has Musubi been up to?

numero uno: School

School, that vile filthy thing that robs people of time and gives them stress. How I despise it. How I loathe it!

Oh, alright, I've got to be honest with you, after six months of being stranded back in Hawaii, with no job and no school, I'm very, very, very happy to be back in the education system. Even if I am just at community college. I'm taking 12 credits this semester, and hoping to add on a couple more next semester seeing as I've got six months/a semester to catch up so I can graduate on time. :) I'm taking a basic history course, an Introduction to Business, History of Christianity/Church History, and American Studies.

History is awesome, but I keep giving myself tough topics to write about, so I end up freaking out about 3 weeks before the paper is due because my research is so ridiculous. My first paper is up here, my second one warranted me an A, but it's so under par from the first one that I refuse to post it. My third thesis runs something like this: It is what Russia has not experienced compared to Europe, that laid the foundation for its culture and set the nation on its destiny independent of Europe. The three things Russia did not experience were: 1) the Renaissance, 2) Roman Catholicism (for better and for worse), and 3) they weren't part of the Roman Empire. I have a feeling a lot of the paper will be speculatory (is that a word?) in nature, but I'll just have to dig in some books, which I like! ^_^

Business is cool because my professor teaches via anecdotes. Which sometimes can be boring, but for the most part, it's engaging. And since Mega Life Plan Number 1 blew up in my face, perhaps I'd be a savvy business owner. Unfortunately, the business that I'm thinking of would require me tostay in Hawaii and that's something I am not willing to do. Get me the hell outta Dodge thankyouverymuch!

Church History is by far my favorite subject. My professor is in her early-mid 30s and has her doctorate (what she's doing at a community college is beyond me) so she knows what she's talking about. She's been all over the world and studied at the Vatican Archives. :B And class is a lecture/seminar style which always helps. Right now we're on the after effects of the Protestant Reformation--aka, the foundation of America. :D I got to visit a Russian Orthodox church because of her class, which shocked the crap out of me. I didn't realize there were enough Russians on Oahu to have a legitimate church, but they do! It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Go check out their page! :D And, as a side note, did you know you didn't have to be Russian to be a Russian Orthodox? There was a Hawaiian choir guy and one of the priests was British...from like...Britain! Accent and everything.

Blew my mind, guys.

They haven't converted me yet, though. I'm a Catholic girl through and through ^_^. Though the service was really pretty and I absolutely love the icons. I do, however, like the fact that Catholic Mass is only one hour, whereas theirs was almost two, mostly standing. And I like the Pope. Think he's cool.

That brings me up to....American Studies.

To quote my professor: "I don't think Ebonics is bad English. It's just restructured." For those of you who don't know what Ebonics is My professor is an idiot and half of the class comes to hear my verbal jabs with the SIXTY YEAR OLD MAN WHO WEARS STUDDED HOT TOPIC BELTS AND ETNIES.

Ask me about Operation: Russian Hat.

That's all for school. In other news---

I gots me a boyfriend
For all intents and purposes, let's call him Michael. He's...ah, he's awesome. I really like him and he's the second person to give my obnoxiousness a spin, so we'll see where it goes. He comes from Alaska and long story short, he's stranded here and looking for a way out too. We met by chance in History class. He's a "stuff geek" and by that I mean he could build me a faster, better computer than the DOD gave me as a departing gift in a week. Or less. And then ask me if I want a Mac, Windows or Linux/Ubuntu OS. And then I'm a "people geek" who can explain to you a good chunk of the basic causes and effects of European history. You know, Europe's pretty cool until about 1950 and they just loose their fighting spirit. Can't blame em actually. You know, with Prussia gone and everything, there's no one to stir up trouble anymore. /vague Hetalia reference ok, moving on. Speaking of history, just saw the History Channel's "World War II in HD."
Hahaha. Awesome. And in the spring next year, there's gonna be like an "America in HD" thing. Hahahaaaaaaaa- I'm so there.

Ok, so Michael. He's not very...erm, well, how do I put this politely..."cultured." For instance, my mom took me to a bunch of plays when I was a kid: musicals, Broadways, regular non-singing plays, college plays, high school productions. So, I love me some plays. And I read a lot as a kid and in high school. I have a repetoire of a few important books and my personal library grows almost daily. Michael, however, has ADD, a difficult time reading, and had a rough childhood void of plays. Which is all right, because then I get to take him out and we pretend to be sophisticated together. I even have some plastic pearls I bought from Forever 21 I'm planning on wearing to the Nutcracker Ballet. ^_^ I'll post pictures if he lets me. So far all of our pictures together have turned out really shitly, so I'm sort of wary to post them.

Moving right along....


What's NaNoWriMo, you might be asking yourself? National Novel Writing Month for those who don't know! Thirty days to write 50,000 words. Write 50,000 words in that time span and declare yourself a winner! I've already got about 21,000 and a fancy sticker for passing the 10,000 mark. I'm actually about 4,000 words behind the curb. And at midnight, it'll go up to 5,000. Goddamn. But I'll make it! For winners, one of NaNo's sponsors prints one proof copy of someone's NaNo. I want that proof copy, even though I'm sure my story sucks ass.

You can check out my summary and read an excerpt here!

I have more than 20, 203 words though. I'm a bit confused why that isn't updated...>_>

Finally, and the quickest reason why I'm not writing as much as I was.....

I have officially be de-cadetified. I am no longer a cadet at USAFA. I'm no longer a member of the Armed Forces. Sad--yes. Depressing--hell yes. Inevitable after a year of fighting--yes and no. I've got no more to say on the subject matter.

So...yeah! That's all that's been happening this side of the Continental US, or CONUS. By the way--I saw Paranormal Activity and 2012. Paranormal kept me up with the light on for a while. I had Michael on the phone some nights because I was too scared to be by myself. A little goes a long way with that film. 2012, neh. Entertaining, but seriously--just watch the Day After Tomorrow twice in a row, and it's the same exact thing. Roland Emmerich, come on, you gave us Independence Day! A different plot without the heavy ethos would have been nice. :/

So--what can you expect from me in the future?

posting NaNo art?
a glimpse into American Studies/AmStud?
the long awaited chapters and conclusions of Suburban Youth?
A sequel to Suburban Youth?
The 9/11 sequel?
NaNo excerpts?
What the bloody hell is "Operation: Russian Hat" and why will it make Musubi look like a terrible person, but you'd probably laugh too?
More lol!history papers?
Rantings on the slow dissolving of American culture in the wake of "mulitculturalism"?
An ode to guns and all things that go BOOM?

Maybe~~~ you'll have to sit back, and check your friends page to see what's goin' on! :D

And the reason for the icon? My updates are as rare as freaking fairies. XD Hurrrr and little!Arthur is adorable. Whoever made this icon, thank youuuu!

-Musubi out

life, updates

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