Oct 23, 2007 20:26
1. Sorry I've been FLAKEY and THREAD-DROPPY for the past week or so! I. I really don't know what's up with that, but it'll stop soon, I promise. Physics and Driver's Ed are kind of eating my face in the bad way right now, so maybe that's what's killing my mood. WHO KNOWS also I will get Goo out soon oh my god she idles out on the 29th what is wrong with me
2. Short hiatus, probably lasting no longer than 'til this Monday! I'm heading down to Chicago for three days, and after that I'm going to work on not failing math! I. Will probably ninja around with Goo and SpongeBob (m-my problem children ;; ♥) this weekend but don't expect to see Sokka, Ned, or Goku out until about Monday. Except my will is flimsy and they'll probably be out anyway BUT WHATEVER