Title: All Quiet on the Liminal Fringe (7/?)
Author: MustInvestigate
Disclaimer: I only own action figures
Rating: PG - eventual NC17
Character(s)/Pairing: OT3
Warning(s): Pretentiousness; abuse of noir tropes
Summary: Because
tuff_ghost sez it can’t be done…an endless Watchmen / William Gibson-verse crossover, existing via the
kink meme. Dreiberg, Kovacs
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Do you mind if I put this up with the next update, with credit a course?
I'll be over here, dying of squee.
next update
next update
Yes of course by all means. I MAY DRAW MORE. Depending on when that next update appears. And what happens in it. /SUBTLE ATTEMPT AT STRONGARM PERSUASION
Laurie rubbed her arms, getting chilly now that she wasn’t running or fighting. “I’m not bringing this up for my own benefit, you know. I just see something broken that doesn’t need to be.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re exactly where you want to be in life, I get that. You’re just, you know, missing out. No one should have to miss out. Especially not when it’d be a snap to fix, just get you laid - ”
“ - and you’ll be all, hey, there’s no blood and guts at all - ”
“ - just good groiny fun. Yay.”
Laurie shrugged. “Okay, so it wouldn’t be an instant fix, but a damn good start. The hard part is finding a willing vict- a partner. Since I’m assuming a pro is out of the question - ”
!“ - and, as I’d assume you’re aware, your personality does not exactly overcome the social handicap of rocking that over-plugged power strip look. You’ve got even less chance of attracting a fuckbuddy than I seem to have ( ... )
er, I mean, I like where this is going.
fanarts forthcoming. Also happy to beta if beta needed.
I would be hugely appreciating if you'd be willing to beta - I've been out of my writing groove for ages, and it would be great to have someone who would tell me where things are non-working and need moar drafts. I've got a tin ear for that right now.
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Heh, Comedian/Rorschach fic would certainly be good bribery :) I am working on that again, but at the moment they're stuck in an epic mug-shattering battle.
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