Mar 17, 2010 18:02
In Portland, OR for the APS March Meeting. I give my talk tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous. This is lessened by the fact that there's another session at the same time with big name physicists, and so nobody will show up to my talk.
Also, at my hotel, I can break my internet connection by opening too many tabs at once, causing the network to think that I'm connected via p2p and automatically boot me. I guess I'll just have to open all of my comic strips one at a time this week.
EDIT: My talk went pretty well. A pretty big name in the field gave the talk right before mine, and so was at my talk. He also asked the first question of me. It was really easy (I must have just been unclear during my talk), but that was probably the 4 most nerve-wracking seconds of the whole week.