Well, I've just had a lovely opening weekend at Stafford Lake.
My legs hurt
enormously as the Belt Zone is tilted at a terrible angle.
I did manage not to get my pass yet. I have one, but I haven't gotten
'round to hauling my rear over to the pass house when I'm dressed for
Costume Approval. I'm hearing very funny stories about things
that are verifiably historically accurate and traditionally approved
being tagged as problems while things like pewter light-sabers are let
through without a blink. For any of you who don't know, I can
usually be found at the Oberon booth any faire day. If I'm not
there, I'll be back soon.
I'm now starting to look for actual work again. I'd love some feedback from y'all on my
which I've posted on both Yahoo! HotJobs and Gamasutra. Plus, if
anybody knows of an opening, I do want to hear about it.
*hugs* to all!