Trouble in paradise

Jan 05, 2005 18:38

As many of you know, one of my biggest pet peeves is BAD MANAGEMENT.

I love my job, but the management is starting to kill me. I have routinely been told not to bother coming in on the weekends when others are working.  Tonight, one of the managers (not someone above me, mind you) insinuated, and not very subtly, that he felt I should not have gone home yesterday evening or the day before at 6 because "it looks bad."  Nevermind that Monday night I was up 'til 1:15am working from home, or that I did 3 hours of work last night after I went home.Add to this the fact that while I am trying to get stuff done, I am being hoverred over by my boss, a manager (same as above), and several designers.  Individually, they wouldn't be a problem, but all at once means I'm interrupted every 15 minutes or so.  Add to that the need for me to re-explain the process we are going through to both my boss and the manager almost every time!  So 3 hours of work turns into 5 and they are both pushing me to get it done...immediately.Of course, it's all moot: the files we need for all this to be used on haven't all been delivered.All of this could have been avoided if we'd just all the spreadsheets and such in to me with enough time for me to read and verify the 3,000 lines, but no, that's not how they wanted to do it.  So here I am picking up the pieces and being hassled for it.

Oh, and I don't get a weekend, either.

On the up side, KimR has descended and we seem to be getting along fine.  She spent the day home sick, cuddling my cat.
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