Zack • Fair

Dec 27, 2007 23:51

Bio Data to be updated.

Power Surge - DMW - Limit Breaks

• Eight Sword Flash [Sephiroth] - Consists of seven repeated slashes, with a final finishing blow; attack is concentrated on one opponent.

• Hard Rush [Angeal] - A successive series of fiery blows delivered though kicks and punches; can be delivered on multiple targets.

• Aerial Strike [Tseng] - In which Zack calls for back up from Tseng, who arrives in a helicopter out of nowhere and proceeds to shoot down all available targets.

• Lucky Star [Cissnei] - In which Zack tosses his sword in the air, runs in place like a dork for a few moments before snatching his sword out of the air and striking his opponent with sparkling stars and blade edge.

• Healing Wave [Aeris] - The ability to heal, manifested as Zack stands in a small patch of flowers.

• Apocalypse [Genesis] - Conjured when Zack floats into the air, calling forth highly powered up lightning to strike within the designated elemental icon. One of Zack’s more devastating attacks. Does not surface unless he is extremely angry or stressed.

• Meteor Shot [Cloud] - A summoned meteor attack; can be delivered on multiple targets.


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