I went to a staffing agency on Monday, we'll see if they have anything for me. I hate the idea of temping again, but what can you do. Blah. My parents insisted I stay in NYC for another year, but .. blahhhhh it doesn't matter. Anyway, same old same old. This week has been sunny and nice. Tomorrow I"m going to the Obliterati party, which is always fun. Friday Iron Man 2 with Henry and then Sunday Iron Man 2 in IMAX with my sister.
I have articles to write that I should be writing instead of posting here. I'll get to them in the minute. Now I'm going to do a little RP rant, but anyone not interested in RP should ignore it because it won't make any sense. And I know I'm being silly because I'm me. :)
So I'm in a slight dilemma. I play a character that eventually decided to try a relationship out with her canon-counterpart. The player and I aren't really friends, she doesn't post very often, and we only wrote together a few times. It was always just kind of flat, but she seemed nice enough and I didn't mind doing other things with the char since I try to respect canon.
But eventually a third party character came in and my character is definitely very drawn to them. They have remarkable IC chemistry and I'm close friends with the player. Right now my character is telling me that she wants to take a break from her current boyfriend. He's stalkerish and talks about his obsessive love for her and he posted about their sex life in public and she's very uncomfortable. They've only been together for a few months and though he's loved her for a long time, she's just started it out and they moved really fast to already living together due to a zombie apocalypse (LONG STORY). She's telling me she wants to take a break because she's not sure if she loves him the way he loves her, and that while she doesn't want to bounce to another guy, she feels it's telling that she has feelings for someone else when she's supposed to be happily involved with someone.
So the problem is that while I like to keep things IC and if my char tells me something I want to do it for them, I feel really bad about pulling out of a SL. I may not be close friends with the player but they seem really nice, and I don't want to hurt their feelings. I'm kind of shy about IMing people to begin with, so IMing to be like btw my character wants to break up just ... makes me almost break out into hives. LOL. And people are telling me that it should be okay since it's all logical IC, but I just don't want to be a bitch OOC. I don't know. I suck at life, even RP life!
And that's all she wrote, ciao.