Feb 03, 2005 21:54
OK so those of you who go to Western might have heard of the recently infamous Terror Squad, AKA, The Hate Pack. Don't get all bent outta shape, The HP is not a group of hatin ass females who sit around and hate on people. The hate pack is a group of loyal friends who hate other biotches & scandalous guys. Basically, if you mess with one of us, you get punked by all of us. Greg gave us the wonderful name, and Terror Squad is our alias. Like Slim Shady = Eminem. Anyway, The HP had their first hit tonight, and it was a major success. Unfotunately, someone who didn't deserve to be hurt got caught in the crossfire.
My beautiful friend Jen Hipshman used to date this guy named Anthony for a while. She really fell for him until she was informed in the beginning of this year that he has had a girlfriend for 3 years. It broke her heart. Lucky for Anthony, Jen is a member of the Terror Squad. Tonight was the night. We were all at the intermural games when we realized Anthony was playing tonight. So we were all talking about the situation when Robert's girlfriend Amber says "That's my friends BOYFRIEND!!! She's right over there!" Sure enough, the girl was sitting across from us. Long story short, Jen got some major balls and told the girl what happened between she & Anthony. The sweet thing about it is that they hugged afterward. Then Jamie, the girlfriend confronted Anthony and made a complete ass of him. He denied it all until he saw Jen outside the gym.
We might not ever find out if they got back together or not. Who am I kidding? This is Monmouth, we'll find out tomorrow! Anyway, the important thing is that Jen got something off her chest that has been hurting her for a long time. And Anthony got his, which is 2nd most important. All compliments of The Terror Squad. So for all you girls out there in Monmouth, or even Oregon for that matter, if you hear of The Hate Pack or The Terror Squad...run for cover. You never know who's being initiated and who might be coming for you.
The Hate Pack AKA The Terror Squad "Ruining The Right Lives Since 1985"
P.S. I miss you Cory