
Apr 03, 2012 16:34

Title: Forbidden
Characters/Parings: Kankuro/Ino Yamanaka
Summary: In the darkness, they often play Romeo and Juliet
Spoilers/Warnings: Future-fic, AU (since both villages have a good relationship in canon), probable OOC?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.

A/N: Written for drabblefix, theme week #2: OTP. This is one of my many many crack OTPs. Also, what is ShikaTema?


They hold hands when nobody looks, kiss each other with bitter passion and whisper their names in the darkness of empty rooms. Many people would judge them, saying they weren't supposed to be together, reminding them who they were and where they truly belonged.

Hate was still fresh in both villages, memories of obscure times traced with blood and revenge, a hopeless future for these two miserable lovers.

"I really want to stop hiding" - she says, a soft breeze caressing her blond hair - "I wish they could understand that the war between us is already over"

"Someday they will, Ino"

character: kankuro, comm: drabblefix, naruto, character: ino yamanaka, fanfiction, pairing: kankuro/ino

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