Apr 22, 2005 08:37
good, stoned, logical conversations. something that had been missing from my life for quite some time until recently. The smart meredith and i hadn't spoken in quite some time. is it okay to say i missed myself?
ive felt a little more self-sufficent the past couple of days, due to sleep, nourishment, being really busy, and writing songs. i have seven complete songs for the full album i'm putting together. the four old songs will be on there (ie. elijah, cherry street, lcm, and the party) plus one from the girls home and two from the past week or so.
last week i got wasted and guitar-ed my hand off and tested some songs while brett played along on the cello. that being the first time i had ever really played with anyone else on another instrument and the first time i had ever performed standing were kind of special and i suppose steps in the right direction. not to mention the cello seemed to add to the thing the songs lacked. then, a couple days ago, scott played the drums and that creepy ass organ at the same time to "cherry street", which was, well, spectacular. didn't think it could be done. obviously it can.
our fucking plumbing broke again this week, EXTREME-ly shitty. the first time the toilets exploded, then the bathtubs, then the toilets again, then the water heater went out. just when you think all is well in the porcelain kingdom, nope, wrong.
im still a little heartbroken, rejection by an entire group of people is about quadruple the amount of humiliation that just a significant other would cause. and im still trying to figure out what i did wrong. its like there's this timeline of events, but you only see the events from your side so you never have a clear picture of whats going on, until it all falls apart or someone curteously explains to you how shitty and unworthy of a human being you are.
being a "subtle and emotional" person, as chris once put it, prevents me from growing any kind of thick skin, either. im fucked, oh well.
yesterday, i met these rapper guys outide of club 49, and i sang them otis redding and told them to call me if they needed background vocals. i gave them my real phone number.
i do weddings.
i am poor as fuck.
by the way, you stupid bitch, fuck your no eyebrows.