Mar 22, 2007 20:53
Updates are hard. Photos are so much easier. But I'm forcing myself... What's new in my world?? I start a new job (again!) on Monday. I'm moving to an office on the other end of the city. But now I'm permanent, and that's cool. I'm leaving a Records Classifier position to take on a... Records Classifier position. I bore even myself... But I'm happy enough with it.
I had an interview today, and it went really well. If it pans out, I'll be moving up... but I won't find out for a couple more months. Bureaucracy is SLLLOOOWWWW...
The doctor is sending me for tests to find out if I have Celiac's disease. I did a quick scan on the internet, and was devestated to find out that if I have it, I will have to cut BEER and PIE out of my diet. Life is so unfair. I can handle losing the rest of the gluten... But surely nature wouldn't be so cruel to me... would it??
Avery is totally rocking grade one... I expect her to kick some grade two ass.
That's all I got. I really tried to update... I'm so bored... boring. One or the other. I'm too lazy to figure out which.