Aug 15, 2007 15:03
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it
1) I name all my techie gadgets and little gizmos... but they're always males. I name my MP3 players after some form of drugs because they're really my only addiction (Phantom aside). To date, I've had Opi (short for opium), sHoT and pInT (alcohol).
2) I am apparently a relationship guru and pro at social etiquette and interaction... and I've never had a boyfriend or significant other. Like Jane Austen, I am going to have to content myself with my own pen (yes, that was supposed to sound dirty).
3) Yes, I do dress like the Phantom of the Opera from time to time. However, I am missing the swallow tails, waistcoat, and proper shirt/cravat... and I'm a girl... but I do look damn good in a Fedora, so I am pleased.
4) I get freaked out sometimes after reading horror movie plots on Wikipedia... but I love to do it anyway. I also was petrified of some really tame Disney villains back in the day, and now I like watching 80s horror flicks.
5) I have lengthy, in depth, passionate discussions with my reflection, and yes, they have lasted for longer than an hour.
6) I can fall asleep anywhere, in any position, at anytime... except when I'm with people playing DD (dungeons and dragons... *FACEPALM*)
7) I am the master at hypothetical scenarios and dialogue/conversation... I can get most people to go along with me for hours discussing minute details and specifics (ask Tracy, Michelle, Theresa, or Robin for further details).