Oct 18, 2006 01:15
Welll well here i am sitting at my computer thinking about why it would be good to keep a journal...hmm...well possibly due to the fact that life can get a bit boring at times...making a journal a reasonable task to occupy time elsewise spent uselessly
anyways, here i am completely new to this but at the same time considering it as an everyday (or somewhat close to everyday) thing...we'll see
went to the sabres game tonite with kris...which was amazing because a. it was her first game b. we won 9-1. what a great game to have 6th row seats to. kris closed her finger in the car door when we got home which bleed like crazy so she wrapped it up and we talked in my room for a while. she's leaving tomorro to go to kentucky till sunday...maybe i'll study for the weekend and keep up this whole cleanup project...funny how people who are your "best friends" just come and go...sometimes staying for years but leaving in a day, guess thats life tho...there's someone out there for everyone, i'm just glad i have such a solid anchor (KB)...nite
ps. kris inspired me