May 16, 2006 22:06
man... i musta missed the fucking boat somewhere. i come out of work today and im greeted with a very nice sight sitting right next to my bike in the motorcycle parking. (for once its not a shopping cart) its a brand new GSXR, with frame sliders, flushed indicators racing mirrors, and tires, and an aftermarket muffler.
man, i really wanted one of those bikes, i just couldnt find the 16 thousand dollars... what a nice little thing for someone to have. but who could have enough money to purchase and insure such a thing on a retail worker's salary?
the really shitty thing is... i know the answer. he works at wall mart. hes a stock boy... and im seriously wondering how he manages to tie his goddamn shoes in the morning. he talks to me alot when im in there and maybe its just my rediculously high standards but this dude just annoys the shit out of me.
and now this.
i wonder how a kid half my age could afford to buy modify and insure the stolen and most crashed motorcycle on the planet? funny thing is... i cant. is it simple jealousy? maybe but damnit ive devoted my life to building and driving noteworthy machines. ive built blisteringly fast and powerful cars and i have the discipline to handle them.
and i cant drive a car.... shit...
and i worry about the speed and safety about every two wheeled machine that i've ever straddled, including acing my safety training and never once managing to so much as change lanes without signaling......
and i can only afford to ride a beat up old piece of crap with a smashed in front ferring, broken electricals, non interchangable parts, and damage to every moulding and outjutting part.
and some twenty year old idiot who carries boxes for a living and cant carry on a conversation without using the word "yo" and an expletive of some sort in every sentence. gets the bike i wanted the whole time...
I think im allowed to be pissed.
Oh by the way.... i got accepted to school in the fall, and as soon as someone hears it without stuffing their unwanted advice in my face, i'll take time to be rather happy about it.