Mar 28, 2007 12:12
anyone can dream...only leaders will follow through
i want to be a navy nurse.
what now?
do i really want to join rotc?
thats 6 credits of navy next semester..blower
do i really want to go into the medical field?
this one i can answer, i like helping people, i love feeling like i make a difference so yes, nursing is all that and more.
what about classes, what other classes do i have to take and how much time have i wasted taking classes i dont need?
i heard VT has an osteopathic medicine school...will that help me be a nurse? i dont really know what osteopathic medicine is but it sounds cool..ill look it up on wiki
how many credits are the difference between a nurse and a doctor?
ill be apart from everything i know and love..its worth it to be so much more than just me, serving as a leader and making a difference...but will i be able to handle it?
my next self-challenge..maxing that damn PT test
i have 1 sit up to go
i did 26 push ups on the test
27 today
ill keep going until i get there